35 | the one in which there's 10,000 dates for a lifetime

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Saloni gasped for a breath of fresh air as I pressed a trail of soft kisses down the crook of her neck

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Saloni gasped for a breath of fresh air as I pressed a trail of soft kisses down the crook of her neck. She let out a soft moan as I pressed down my hand to her tender sides. She breathed out my name like a magic spell and I rubbed my fingers in circles onto her.

"I love you, Saloni." I grind my teeth together then pull her down onto my lap. "I love you so much."

"I know," She understandingly nods, her eyes glazed up and get all starry. "I love you, too. I love you, Aahan Kapoor." She then dives in front and captures me by my hair, pulling me in a devouring kiss. A hungry kiss. The back of my shoulders hits the window of the car and the backseat falls short of space as we push and grind against each other. But nothing stopped us from going further.

Off was the dress that had lured me up so high. Off was my suit. And now, all that there was, was the undergarments on our bodies and the chilling wind freezing us.

"It's fucking twenty-two degrees." Saloni shudders as a cold wind sweeps itself around the car space. I kiss the top of her breasts. "People in aboard do it in minus degrees. I don't care. I know how to make you warm." I say firmly and then take a bite at the hardness of her breast. She lets out a gasp and I chuckle devilishly.

Flipping her onto her back and climbing on top of her I unbuckle the bra and pull at her bottoms.

"Wait, till you feel the heat spreading everywhere."

She blushed furiously, angry at the loss of her dominating power from atop of me but blushing at the stroke of my fingers undressing her.

"Let's warm you up, baby."


"Is the problem Solved now?" Saloni snickers as she lays her head atop of my chest. I wrap my suit's jacket on top of us from staying nude and pull her tightly over my body, on the backseat of the car. "Well, one problem is solved."

"There is another problem?" she lifts her head at the mention of my words and raises her eyebrows at me. "What is it?"

"I hate all the men in this world." I sigh, holding her protectively in my arms. "I am always worried about them putting their eyes on you."

"Oh lord, here we go again." She shakes her head and lets it fall back onto my chest. "We have been through this, Aahan. I am yours."

"You still meet with the guys from the dates. Especially that Ashish. Why does he have to, have a name that starts in the same letter as mine? And if that is not enough, he loves my girl!" I let out a whine and cry, frustrated.

"They are my friends. just friends, Aahan. Bottom line is that I love you." She rolls her eyes at me and whacks my chest. "Don't be such a possessive baby. I am not your toy."

"No," I admit and I agree with her. But then I continue to add on, saying, "You're not a toy of my possession but you could be my life partner."

Silence. Utter silence consumes the space of the car. I don't even hear her breathing as soon as I say those words and then suddenly like a balloon thrown from the roof, she burst out.

"What did you just say?" she whispers, too afraid that she may be asking the wrong question. There is a look of wonderment onto her face. An expression which reads did I hear that right?

"I said," I caress her cheeks and trace my fingers along the lines of her facial features. "You could be my life partner."

"I could." She echoes and I nod, with a wide smile onto my face.

"If you want to, then you could be the one for my life. The one I would go on ten thousand dates for a lifetime." I softly peck her lips and she whimpers against my lips. I pull back to see her tearing up. "You're it, Saloni. I told you."

"I'm it." She nods as a tear rolls down her cheek. I wipe it away and then fish my hands into the inner pockets of my jacket. Soon enough I pull out a platinum band, with three tiny diamonds on, which signify how long we have been dating each other.

See the ring, Saloni sits up. The jacket falls off her body and she falls back, sitting bare open in all her beautiful nakedness. I sit up and pull her between my legs, bringing her left hand up.

"So, what do you say?" I ask her, "Are you ready to meet my parents for the future?"

And when the ring slips onto the ring finger, she tells me just one word.

One happy cried out word. And then she tells me an eight-letter, three worded confession.

And I knew, I felt the same.

"Thank god, you said that. I have been waiting to tell you this since the party started!"

"Well, why didn't you?"

"I do not steal anyone's thunder. Propose in someone else's engagement party? Heck no. no thunder stealing."

"Oh my god, you're such a dork."

"Say you, who is in love with me."

"Don't make me take it back."

"HA! You had your chance, with the ring you're mine."


"Shut up and kiss me."


"Which fiancée does not kiss her fiancé?"


"Oh, I see that smart mouth working. Wait till I put something else in it. Come here, you."

And then we bumped into each other and fell down the backseat of the car and down on the bottom, stuck between two car seats, laughing our ass off.

Sometimes Fate collides with destiny.

It was fate that I met Saloni.

But it was my destiny that I brought her to the dates.

It was all because of those damn Seven dates in a weekend, that here, her last date had turned out to be the one that was going to last longer.

And we planned to collide into each other more.

Just not in public spaces anymore.



A/N: brb, going to shed an ocean of tears for the end of this journey

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A/N: brb, going to shed an ocean of tears for the end of this journey. Here's three cheers for, the first 'the end' of my book. oh my god, I love you guys <3

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