14 | the one in which there's sunday dates

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The wind screams against my skin as the speed all around me increases in a quick succession of a pace

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The wind screams against my skin as the speed all around me increases in a quick succession of a pace. Despite the thundering heartbeats that echo throughout my bones and all around my ears, all that I can feel and hear the most, in this very moment, is the surge of adrenaline soaring through my veins; The thrill of danger that is registering in my head. I feel like I'm free. As if, I'm one with the wind. I'm one with the world.

Despite having a helmet on my head, the front of my face remains exposed to moist wind that still has an essence of the rain laced all around it. A small smile stretches across my face as I grip Reyansh's shoulder firmly.

I can't remember the last time I had sat on an actual bike. It reminds me of the danger accompanied around it but with the way Reyansh drives, it gives me a sense of calmness. I could trust him. He knows what he's doing.

"We're almost there, hang on!" He screams over the wind, loud enough for me to hear it.

I reply with a hand draped around his waist, ready for him to pick up another quick pace. Evidently, he drives faster. The surrounding vision passes us in motion or blur. It takes us a few minutes of driving, but as Reyansh promises, we get to our destination soon enough.

When he slows his bike down, I feel myself coming down to my sense. Coming back to the surface of the earth.

"You're so badass!" I grin, chuckling at my words. He laughs with a booming voice. Placing a hand over mine, he leans back into me. "This is badass for you? I wonder what all I could show you to make you talk like that..."

His words sound highly suggestive and as of instinct, I blush a scarlet red shade. "Sly as always, you men."

"Not men, just me." He puffs his chest out as if to prove his point but it only winds up making me laugh.

"Let's go then?"

I bounce on my feet, lifting myself off his bike with a nod, "let's go!"

I can't believe I'm doing this. The tiny camera shakes in my hand. I feel excited and giddy. This has to be the most spontaneous decision of my life.

A spontaneous trip to Sula Wine yards.

There I was, at the pub at around 10pm. And now, here I am. Standing before the fields of Grapevine, breathing in the freshness of the morning that's just around the corner.

The ride had been amazing. The city had blended into highways, the highways had blended into the darkness of the night and the honking and gearing of other vehicles besides us, had blended into the rhythm of my own loud heartbeat.

It was amazing.

Reyansh Singh brought out a spontaneous side of me. A side that I like. I grin, as I walk beside him towards the head office of the Sula Wine yard. I recall our conversation right after I had kicked him in the club.

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