29 | the one in which there's food, coffee and movie dates.

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Saloni's hand waved at the children on the bus opposite our car

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Saloni's hand waved at the children on the bus opposite our car. The sun rays kissed her cheeks and her smile stretched upwards. She was glowing, she looked happy. I drove to our next destination which was, Date four. Even with the chai melting away in our veins, we both had agreed to get something sweet, with a little bit of coffee. And so, that's how we ended up at a small cake called Kerala's delicacies.

"We'll take, a takeaway order." I nodded towards the guy at the cashier.

"What? Why?" Saloni tilts her head from beside me. I placed a finger to my lip and I winked at her. "You'll see," I whispered to her and then went back to placing our order. Two of Kerala's special cutting caffeine coffee, with four chocolate brownies.

"I want to eat right now."

"Oh, I know. I can hear the rumbling of your gigantic stomach." I smirked at her, to which she narrowed her eyes. "It's a normal stomach like any other human being."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, babe." I pecked her lips softly. She blushed, her skin flushing with a shade of pink and red. That shut her up and I smiled in triumph. I then proceeded to pay the guy at the counter, taking my order in my hand, and my girl's hand in my other hand.

"Let's go-to date four."


The wind tasted salty. The gentle breeze brought by the ocean waves kissed my skin, but what took over my body was the winter heat of the sun, which I am sure of now, was to give a tan. My eyes drifted upwards from my bare feet in the sand to Saloni, who played along the line of the seashore. Dancing in and out of the ocean like a free soul. It was an enrapturing sight to see and I was glad that I decided to come to the beach for our fourth date.

The car was parked away, not too far away from us. After fighting over who got the bigger piece of the brownies and drinking our coffee, we were now out in the open. Walking barefoot on the sand. Tracing footsteps along the trace of the ocean waves.

Saloni ran ahead of me, laughing and all. Her arms were stretchered out as if she was embracing the earth. And I felt a twinge of jealousy sweep under my bones. I could use a hug, too. But my heart swells with joy at the sight of her happiness blooming out of her body.

"You're like a kid, seeing the ocean for the first time," I shouted over the rhythm of the ocean waves. I smiled teasingly. I couldn't help but feel the need to annoy her, to watch her face go from laughter to a glaring one. And when she would shake with anger, I would long to kiss her anger away until she's left fighting a dark shade of blush dressing her skin.

"For the ocean, I am a kid. I'm an ocean child." She beamed at me, totally brushing off the attempt of tease I had laid down.

"Then why not go into the ocean?" I asked.

"I can't swim. I have tried, but I can figure out my way inside." She confessed.

"I know how to swim. Come on, let's take a little dip." I walked closer to her. "I don't know..." she trailed off, casting a glance at the ocean waves. "It will be fine; I won't let go of you. Trust me." I took her hands in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze of reassurance.

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