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Me: I don't think marriage can ever really work.

Author: *slips me a logicality oneshot*


Me: How do couples survive like if they once thoroughly hated each other?

Author: *hands me a prinxiety fanfic*


Me: How are people supposed to care for each other, and how many needs do you put before your own?

Author: *yeets a moxiety book at me*


Me: How do I know I can still be loved despite my mental issues, like my anxiety?

Author: *drop-kicks an analogical series at my window*


Me: I don't think love can be all puppy dogs and rainbows.

Author: *sends me the link to a royality fic*


Me: Can you really love someone so much, you hate them? If so, how is that love?

Author: *mails me an entire printed logince story*


Me: I feel vulnerable explaining my feelings.

Author: *parachutes down a dictionary of Logan literature*


Me: I have so many insecurities, and I don't know how to deal with them.

Author: *charges at me with a medieval army equipped with only Roman angst*


Me: I have to care for everyone else before myself, no matter what.

Author: *catapults a Patton paperback angst at me*


Me: I felt like such an outcast, and nobody truly sees me.

Author: *calls a group of doves to drop Virgil angst into my hands*


Me: I don't believe in love.

Author: *screeches and throws an entire library of LAMP at me*

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