Chapter One

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Thorin glanced behind him before he kept running, grabbing Bilbo who had fallen on his way past he placed the hobbit back onto his feet.

"There's too many of them Thorin!" Dwalin yelled.
"What do we do?!" Bilbo panicked.
"Keep Running!" Thorin yelled from behind the group.

They jumped over logs, tripped over tree roots and darted between trees with little light to guide them. Behind them was an orc pack to big for them to take on.

"Where are we going?!" Kili shouted back.
"Further into the forest!"

Everyone nodded and carried on running, Thorin glanced behind him to see a warg hot on his heels. With a rush of adrenaline Thorin pushes himself a little further only to trip and go flying forward, his heart dropped as he thought it was the end, but as he tumbled he noticed the dark forest scenery suddenly change.

Rolling to a stop, Thorin stood up and brushed himself down, gasping for air as he leaned on a tree. Everyone was looking around, wondering where they wear when a twig snapped. Snapping their heads to where it came from they saw the wargs and orcs stop and heard them grumble.

"Why won't they come get us?" Ori muttered.
"They cannot see you."

At the new voice everyone closed ranks and scowled as their heads snapped in all directions. Instantly weapons were drawn and they circled around Gandalf and Bilbo.

"Lower your weapons, I intend no harm."

From behind a bush emerged a man, tall and lean. He had messy black hair and green eyes. His skin was olive and he wore a pair of shorts with a green tunic and a green cloak pulled close.

"Who are you?!" Thorin demanded.
"My name is Lahir, youngest brother of Havir, scout. Who are you?"

Thorin shared a look with the others and they all nodded. He nodded and signalled for them to put their weapons down which they did, though many were still on edge. As Thorin introduced them, he couldn't help but look around, everything was green unlike the forest they had just been in.

"What do you mean by they can't see us?" Balin asked.
"They cannon see into this forest, nor can they enter this forest. It's very well protected." Lahir beamed.
"Where are we? What is this place?" Kili asked.
"You are in my lady's kingdom. Oh my! Come! Come! She will be expecting you!"

Thorin glanced to Gandalf in worry, but the Wizard nodded and ushered everyone to follow. So, they did, they followed Lahir through the bush he had come from and all gasped.

Before them was one of the largest kingdoms they had ever seen, bridges connecting trees and platforms which were lit with torches, from there they could hear music being played and laughter from children. At their feet was a dirt path. In the distance was a fiery tree, larger than the rest, they dwarfs, the hobbit and the wizard all looked around in awe.

"What kind of kingdom is this?" Fili breathed.

Lahir didn't answer, instead he kept walking only to stop once he realised they weren't following him. Turning around Lahir gestured with his hand for them to follow.

"Please come, you need not be afraid."
"Who said we were afraid?!"

The other dwarfs begun nodding in agreement making Lahir roll his eyes at them.

"Just come, I see hesitation in your eyes. The kingdom is very kind and welcoming, they will be most happy to see you."

Nervously they all begun to follow with Thorin at the front and Gandalf at the back, walking closer to the kingdom, many stopped to smile or wave. Children offered flowers and food and followed behind the company. The odd trickle of moonlight shone through making the whole place seem even more surreal.

"Where is this place? I've never seen anything like it..." Bilbo whispered.
"Aye lad, none of us have." Bofur whispered back.

They were taken closer to the large tree where they were stopped by Lahir as he stepped forwards to whisper to some guards. The company took this time to fully look around, taking in the people and the sight around them.

All heads snapped to the large wooden doors as they opened, everything felt silent and a figure stepped out, making the whole company beside Gandalf draw a sharp breath.

"She's beautiful..." Kili whispered to them.
"Aye, she is..." someone else whispered.

The other nodded in agreement, watching as she stood on the top step, the moonlight hitting her, making her skin glow and her crown gleam. She placed a hand over her heart and offered them all a bow of her head.

"Welcome, I am the forest Queen, (Y/N)."

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