Chapter Seven

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It had taken many days to reach the base of the hill, it was early morning as you made your way up you stopped on it's top and you all looked down. An eleven army, it was like you had seen.

"Oh my.." You whispered.

Turning to Havir you nodded to him.

"The horn. Lead them all to Dale it'll take a day, all of you go."

Havir nodded and raised his horn to his lips as he blew on it before they all turned around. Your people turned back down the mountain. Instantly the army below turned to face you and you urged Mithran down the hill. The horse raced down the hill and neared them, once he was close enough he jumped it landing in front of the human, the Ellon king and the wizard.

"Who are you!" The Ellon demanded.
"This is Queen (Y/N), of the forest kingdom." Gandalf smiled.
"The hidden kingdom is a fairytale." The king snapped.
"Indeed, it is said to be a fairytale. Only few have entered King of the Woodland Realm."

Turning away from them you faced the dwarfs and the halfling hanging of the ramparts.

"Thorin Oakenshield." You spoke, "I suggest you let master baggins go."
"Or What will you do?" He spat.
"I shall send Kithran to knock your wall down and bite some sense into you."

Kithran stepped forward and growled slightly as he stood next to you. This seemed to scare some sense into the king, he let Bilbo go and the hobbit immediately climbed back down and ran over.

"Thank you my lady." He whispered.

You watched as he ran away and turned back to Thorin. You sighed heavily and glanced at his nephews.

"You must snap out of it Thorin, there is a bigger threat here. Do you not remember what I told Havir? I know you were listening."
"You have no right to tell me what do here! This is not your kingdom!"
"I am well aware, I am trying to save your people. What would you rather have, peace or war?"

Thorin thought about this for a second before his face consorted into a snarl.

"Fine then, so be it."

Sliding of Mithran you walked to the front and closed your eyes, you pressed your palms together in a praying motion as you took a steady breath in.

"By the blessing Lenus, I offer my immortality and invincibility, in return for the Rune of Reborn to be placed up the three dwarfs Fili, Kili and Thorin. The heirs of Durin. A dark fate will fall upon them this day. I plea you hear me and accept my offer."

Lowering your hands you heard groans of pain and saw the three grasping their chests with wide eyes. Thorin was quick to snap out of it and he turned to you.

"What did you do?" He snarled.
"I have just saved your life at a dangerous expense."

Turning around, you faced the men behind you when suddenly a sharp burning pain shot through your shoulder. Glancing towards it you saw red slowly seep onto the once beautiful silver.

"THORIN!" The dwarfs yelled.

You faced them once more with a look of disbelief, you dropped to your knees and Kithran and Mithran immediately dropped with you. Shocked eyes looked up at the dwarfs furious ones.

"You shot me..." you breathed.

Kithran let out an angered howl, his stepped forward his fur glowed a little and shadows licked at his feet.

"Kithran no! Please... I.. it's not worth it..."

Hauling yourself up onto Mithran you took a shaky breath and faced Thorin more.

"You'll understand, maybe not now. But when your head is in the right place, you'll understand why I did what I have done to you and your nephews. I know this is not the real you, the Thorin I met in my kingdom was a kind dwarf, a dwarf with a noble heart, and somewhere I know you're still there..." you whispered.

You saw a brief emotion flicker over his eyes before Mithran turned away.

"Quick Kithran, tell them to stop and ready a medical bed."

The wolf growled and ran off. You looked at The Ellon King, the Human and Gandalf who all wore equally shocked expressions.

"I may not know your language, my dear, nor what you did, but you aren't meant to bleed are you?" Gandalf asked softly.
"I... I'm not..."

Gently you kicked Mithran and he made his way back the way he came. Once he was a good distance you brought a hand up to your injured shoulder closed your eyes. Your other hand gently curled itself into his mane. This was not a risk you were aware of, it wasn't a consequence you would have thought of, now in the back of your mind you started to have second doubt. You quickly pushed them away, you were doing the right thing and deep in your heart you knew that, deep in your heart you knew you may not have made it out unharmed.

Mithran raced up the hill at incredible speed and towards the group of that waited. Havir, Sahir and Lahir all raced from them to greet you halfway.

"My lady!" They cried.

Havir gently pulled you from Mithran and rushed you over to a Elleth who instructed him to place you on the ground.

"You aren't supposed to bleed!" Sahir cried.
"Who shot you?! I swear I'll kill them!" Lahir yelled.
"My boy, revenge is not the path to go. Your heart is pure, do not let it be clouded by hate. Do not let it consume you."

Lahir wiped his tears away and nodded.

"Please tell me you'll be okay now, promise."
"Havir I can't promise such a thing. I still have one last thing I must do, but please, remember what I told you."

Havir nodded solemnly as he took your hand in his. The trio sat around you while the Elleth gently tended to your wound. You had one more thing to do, this was the most dangerous part

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