Chapter Five

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You rushed up three flights of stairs and slammed the doors to the library open. The candles lit themselves and you begun to make your way to the back.

"I know it's here somewhere..." you whispered.

You pulled book after book of shelves to no avail. After hours of going through the whole library you finally found the book you were looking for. Pulling it out, you blew the dust of its covers.

Runes of old

It was an old book that was put together by your father many years ago. As you held the book under your arm you walked down the stairs. Night had fallen and you could here some snoring coming from the dwarfs room. With a sigh you walked towards your throne and sat back down.

"Have you found something?"
"A book, runes of old. It has all the runes for many a year ago, every single one. I know for a face there's one in here I can use."

Opening the book you glanced at the symbols and slowly begun to read. You hadn't read this language for years so you were a bit rusty on it. Slowly you ran your fingers along the runes at the top of the pages until you found the one you wanted.

"Reborn, this Rune allows the caster to completely heal, and even bring those who bare the mark back from the dead though at a cost. It can only be casted by someone with pure intentions, at the price of either their mortal life or their immortality..."

Sighing, you marked the page and placed the book down, running a hand down your face. There's always a price to magic, you knew that, you also knew that this Rune would be a lot more demanding in its exchange than the others.

"I have a lot to think about..." you whispered.

With that, you stood up and made your way to your bed room. Changing into your night robes, you slipped under the covers and fell into a dreamless sleep. As you fell deeper into sleep your mind begun to shift and soon you were stood in a dark room.

"I know what you're thinking, but you shouldn't do it."
"Why?" You asked.
"There is no one to protect the kingdom."
"They'll care for themselves if it comes to that. Havir is more than ready to lead."
"It was not his birthright, it was yours."
"I know, but I can't not do nothing."
"I know." The voice sighed,"think carefully about what path you choose. Because there is no going back."

With that everything faded once more and you woke up. Staring blankly up at the ceiling you thought about what the voice had told you. Getting up you changed into a different silver dress and begun to walk the halls.

"My lady!"

Spinning to face him you smiled lightly. His brows furrowed and he tilted his head slightly.

"What can I do for you?"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine Havir, just thinking."

He nodded and begun to walk along side you. The pair of you stood the the main doors of the tree, the company were getting their horses ready and teasing each other as the did so. People were bustling about and you couldn't help but sigh.

Turning to Havir you reached up and placed a hand on his face, turning him to face you. Havir frowned lightly but covered your hand with his, honey eyes clashed with (E/C) ones.

"Havir, if something were to happen to me, I want you to take care of the kingdom."
"I'm not royalty, I couldn't possibly..."
"You need not be royalty to be a king or queen. It isn't about what's in your blood my boy, it's about what's in your heart."
"I... I promise I'll take good care of the kingdom for you. But... nothing will happen to you.... right...?"

Smiling, you removed your hand from his face and turned to the company. The only one looking at you was Thorin but he quickly looked away. He finished securing his things before he turned back and walked over. Hand over his heart he bowed.

"From the deepest depths of my heart, I thank you for all you've done for us."
"I hope you reclaim your home safely Thorin Oakenshield and company."
"You'll be sure to visit won't you?" Kili asked.
"We'd like to show you around." Fili beamed.

All the others nodded in agreement as they turned around to face you.

"Perhaps I will come visit you, should any of you wish to return here you are more than welcome."

Bowing to them you watched as they climbed onto their ponies and waved as they were led out by Lahir. Out the corner of your eye, you saw Havir watching you with worry on his face, but you just offered him another smile and walked back inside as you let it fall, you really did have a lot to think about

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