Chapter two

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You smiled down at the group as they gazed up at you with awe in their eyes. Turning to a familiar pair of green eyes you saw his excitement and laughed quietly.

"Come Lahir, you must eat and rest. Hunter will take your place for the next few days."
"Thank you my lady!"

He ran passed you and disappeared into the tree. Folding your hands behind you back, you tilted your head slightly.

"What are your names?"

A dwarf stepped forward, he had greying black hair, and blue eyes. He wore a fur coat which flowed behind him slightly when he walked. After he introduced himself as Thorin, and told you the names of his company, you nodded and stepped aside with a hand gestured to the tree.

"Well then Thorin and company, I welcome you. Your rooms have already been set up, Havir will lead you to them, dinner shall be served soon. I ask that you cause no harm to my people or this tree."

They begun to walked past you, each of them smiling and nodding their thanks as they followed Havir into the tree. You turned to your people and smiled, bowing your head as you walked in. Turning down a hallway, you ran your fingers along the wood and sighed in content. Closing your eyes you kept walking until you bumped into someone.

"Ow..." he mumbled.

Looking down you saw the hobbit and smiled as you got to your knees and offered him your hand.

"I apologise Mister Baggins, I sometimes get lost in my head and forget to look where I am going."

Bilbo went a slight shade of red and he placed his hand gingerly in yours as you pulled him up, now he stood only slightly taller than yourself.

"Are you hurt?"
"N... no I'm okay. Thank you..." he muttered shyly.

Nodding your head you stood up and clasped your hand behind your back once more. You watched as he looked around for a moment before his shoulders sagged in defeat.

"You're lost, Where is it you wish to go?"
"I was looking for something to eat..." he grinned sheepishly.
"Come along Mister hobbit, the dining room is not far."

As you begun to walk once more Bilbo ran to fall into line with you before he walked peacefully at your side. From the corner of your eyes you could see him occasionally glance up at you. Finally you stopped before an open set of wooden doors and inside were the dwarfs and Gandalf as they ate. It was an elegant room, with a large wooden table in the middle, banners hung from beams along the ceiling and torches illuminated the room. There was a harp in the corner and a piano in another and at the far end of the room as another set of doors.

"They're a rowdy bunch." He laughed.
"Indeed they are." You smiled, "go along now. If you wish to have something made just ask to see the cooks, they'll make it for you."
"Thank you."

Bilbo ran into the room and climbed up onto a seat between Fili and Kili and they handed him a plate of food, the sight made you smile.

"They're an odd bunch."
"They are, but they're also one big family."

Havir and yourself stood outside as you watched them interact before you turned to each other.

"Come My Lady, you must eat too."
"Very well, only if you join me."

Havir smiled and nodded, the pair of you walked into the room and it fell silent as you took a seat at the head of the table while Havir sat to your right. Thanking the server for your food you turned to everyone.

"Please, don't stop on my account."

They all shared a look before shrugging and carrying on with what they were doing, yourself and Havir ate in silence. Suddenly you felt a pair of eyes on your and you glanced up to meet a warm pair of brown eyes.

"Mister Kili, What can I do for you?"

Everyone snickered and he looked away shyly before glancing back at you.

"N... nothing.." he stuttered.
"Very well."

The dwarfs burst out laughing and you chuckled. Sighing lightly, you turned to Havir.

"I shall be in my study."

He nodded and you stood up, heading out of the room you leisurely walked down the halls, up some smooth wood stairs and down the end of the hall. Pushing open the doors you smiled at the sight of the large bookcases and the desk filled with books in front of you. With a content hum you walked to your desk and picked up one of the many books and begun to flip through its pages.

You grabbed a book and headed over to a window that overlooked a the front of the tree, not many people were wondering around at this time of night. Sitting down, you brushed some dust of the book cover.

"Erebor..." you whispered with a smile.

Turning the cover you begun to read he first page, allowing yourself to get lost in your mind as the words took you away, leaving you completely unaware of the world around you or a dwarf who back away from the door with a smile on his face as he headed back the way he came from

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