Chaper Eight

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You had fallen asleep at some point and when you woke up the sun was longer high in the sky, and most of your people were sitting around. You saw Havir pacing while he talked to a few guards.

"What's going on Havir?"
"There was a battle my lady, the deer flew us up."
"The line of Durin!"

Shooting up you hissed in pain.

"You need to rest!" Havir protested.
"You know I can't do that Havir."

Getting up, you called over Mithran. Climbing on you turned to Havir. He handed you your bag and looked at you sadly.

"Take half the people to Dale, they'll need help no more than ever. Lahir is to bring the others up behind me to help with those wounded on the field and cleaning up."
"Don't do anything reckless, please." Havir sighed.

Giving him a weak smile you ushered Mithran to move. The horse swiftly tore across the grassy plain as he raced up the to the hill. Once you reached the top you could see the aftermath of the battle.

"Kithran Gather the princes and take them to where the king lay!"

Kithran grumbled but did as you said, he ran faster than Mithran and weaved in and out of confused people. Mithran tore down the hill and straight into the desolate field, many injured or wondering soldiers stopped to watch you as you raced towards the watch tower. Mithran climbed it with ease and you jumped off just before the lake, skidding onto the ice. Kithran was carrying Kili gently between his teeth much to a read haired Elleths dismay as the king and his son followed behind. They made eye contact with you.

"You know how to save them." The king noted.
"Indeed I do."
"At what cost? Is it really worth it?"
"The cost is not of importance. If I can save three then so be it."

Brushing past them you walked over to where Bilbo was crying over Thorin. Placing a hand on Hobbits shoulder you gently pushed him back towards the other dwarfs. Taking a dagger from Thorin you cut his shirt, over his heart was a Rune in the shape of a small tree with a leave falling from it. Rummaging through you bag you pulled out the three leaves, you placed onto on Thorins chest.

Then you stood up, walked to Fili and did the same thing, cut his shirt and placed one on him and the same to Kili. Kneeling next to the young dwarf you brought he blade to you hand and took a deep breath. With a quick flick of your wrist blood dropped onto his ruin next to the leaf. You placed your good hand just centimetres over them and closed your eyes.

"Here me Lenus, as I place your leaf upon this dwarfs chest besides the Rune of reborn. With my blood upon his skin I ask you take my previously offered immortality and place it in Kili. For my immortality to become his mortal life for as long as he should live. One becomes two and part of me becomes him, allow this dwarf to rise and be brought back from the halls of he dead. He was gone too soon."

Opening your eyes you stood up and watched. The white leaf begun to glow softly, your blood tainted to red and it sank into his chest and the Rune of reborn vanish. Suddenly Kili's chest heaved with a breath. His wounds slowly closed. You felt a sharp pain go through you and you flinched, grabbing your chest.

"Kili!" The Elleth cried as she dropped by him.

Kili's eyes fluttered open but he was much to weak to move. Walking around you knelt by Fili, dropped your blood on him like you did his brother and held your hand over them.

"Here me Lenus, as I place your leaf upon this dwarfs chest besides the Rune of reborn. With my blood upon his skin I ask you take my previously offered invincibility and place it in Fili. For my invincibility to become his mortal life for as long as he should live. One becomes two and part of me becomes him, allow this dwarf to rise and be brought back from the halls of he dead. He was gone too soon."

Standing up you stumbled back a few steps, you felt yourself become light headed. His wounds closed and his eyes snapped open as he gasped for air.

"Fili!" Dwalin yelled.
"Can you bring Thorin back too lass?" Balin asked.
"I think I can..."
"At what cost!" The Elven king yelled.
"King..." "Thranduil."

Nodding you smiled weakly.

"King Thranduil the cost for bringing them back means nothing, they died to young. I know I was shown this day for a reason, to fix it and that is what I shall do."
"What have you risked already for them. He shot you."
"You're right. He did. That does not mean I should not help him, physically that was Thorin, yes. Mentally that was not Thorin. I gain nothing if I hold onto hate, hate corrupts people, makes them unkind. You gain nothing from it, it is best to leave the past in the past and move on."

You saw his eyes widen slightly as he looked down upon the fallen king. Turning back to Thorin you shuffled over and knelt beside him.

"You have nothing left to offer..." a voice spoke softly on the wind.
"I have one more thing I can offer."

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