Chapter Ten

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As they walked back to the field everyone was amazed to see somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 stood with somber expressions. At the very front was a cart lined with beautiful silver cloth, and flowers. Havir gently placed you in it.

"Now it's our turn to sing for you my lady..." he whispered.

Taking a step back Havir breathed in, placed a hand over his heart and slowly got to one knee. The rain cleared up and a ray of sun shone down on you.

Lay down
Your sweet and weary head

Havir sung with confidence. Slowly Sahir and Lahir copied him and joined in.

The night is falling
You have come to journey's end

One by one the rows of men, women and animals did the same, their voices joining to create a somber echoing tune.

Sleep now
And dream of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across the distant shore

Bilbo didn't know the song but he copied Havir and the others, Ori soon followed with a few of the others. Thorin looked back to find his company kneeling, Gandalf looked at him and did the same thing. Thorin turned to see Tauriel kneeling, Legolas kneeling and as he connected eyes with Thranduil even the Elven king fell as the begun to join the singing.

Why do you weep?
What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see

Thorin fell to his knee and he bowed his head and placed a hand over his heart as he joined in.

All of your fears will pass away
Safe in my arms
You're only sleeping
What can you see
On the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home
And all will turn
To silver glass
A light on the water
All Souls pass
Hope fades

By this point the wolves had joined in with howling a tune that fit the song rather well. voices could be heard all over.

Into the world of night
Through shadows falling
Out of memory and time
Don't say
We have come now to the end
White shores are calling
You and I will meet again
And you'll be here in my arms
Just sleeping
And all will turn
To silver glass
A light on the water
Grey ships pass
Into the West

When the song finished everyone stay knelt down for a moment. Thorin lifted his head to see people standing up and he stood up along with them. Thorin walked over to you and looked down at your form, he brushed some hair from your face and rubbed a bit of dirt from your face.

"Thank you..." he whispered.

Havir walked over and bowed his head. Thorin turned away from with you to see Havirs pained expression.

"I hope you will all be in attendance for the queens funeral in two months time... until then..." he bowed.

Havir tied the cart to Mithran and allowed the horse to lead as they all silently followed. Turning back the way they came.

"Will you go?" Gandalf asked.
"Aye, we'll go..." Thorin nodded.

Thorin didn't know what to do with himself anymore, he looked around and placed a hand over his chest. Furrowing his brows he spun around to face his company.

"We rebuild Erebor in the honour of (Y/N). We return it to its former glory and build a build a statue of her for all to know what she sacrificed. What she has done for us."

The dwarfs cheered and Thranduil marched over to Thorin.

"I have recently come to light with some advice, that one should not hold onto hate. I offer you my assistance in rebuilding your kingdom, Thorin, King under the mountain."

Thorin scowled for a second, but then he felt something surge through him. A will to forgive, so he sighed and nodded.

"I accept your help Thranduil, May we rebuild Erebor together and build an alliance."

Both kings smiled softly and begun to hand out tasks. Thorin promised himself that no matter what he did, he was going to do it in the memory of you and what you had done, what you had given, he wasn't going to let his life go to waste. He wasn't going to hold onto hate anymore and he was going to start over, he was going to be the king he was meant to be

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