Chapter four

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After walking, you all came across a large clearing, though it was still sheltered by trees. Around were grazing animals who didn't seem to bothered by your presence.

"Please, go choose. They are very friendly, all you have to do is ask them to join you."

Everyone nodded and separated, you sat down on rock as you watched them. Bilbo approached a beautiful chestnut brown pony, she bowed her head to him. Fili had a spotted brown and white pony, Kili a spotted white and black own. They bowed their heads to the dwarfs and allowed them to climb on. Ori, Nori, Bombur and Dori were riding grey ponies. Balin was riding a black one while Dwalin approached a brown one. Bofur was sat next to a black and white pony while bifur was petting a golden one. Gloin was sitting with rustic red pony. Gandalf has chosen a white horse.

"Excuse me?"

Turning, you smiled at Thorin.

"What can I do for you?"
"What is that creature?" Thorin pointed in the distance.

Looking over, you smiled at the familiar blue horse with beautiful white antlers. His main flowed lightly in the breeze, you could see the rays of sun bounce of his chest scales.

"That is Mithran. He is my horse."

Thorin turned back Mithran and you could see admiration in his eyes as he took in the majestic animals appearance. Mithran bowed his head and walked back into the trees.

"Where does he come from?"
"He is one of a kind, he is what you would call a familiar. He is mine, though he is not the only one."
"You have more than one?"
"Indeed, I have two. Mithran and Kithran, a Wolf."
"Does Kithran wonder these trees also?"
"Kithran keeps himself to one of the lakes, he enjoys resting by its water. He, much like Mithran know when I'm close or if I need help. They are not very trusting of others, even Havir, Lahir and Sahir have trouble approaching them."

Thorin nodded his head and gazed upon his company with a small soft smile on his face.

"Have you chosen one?"
"I haven't no my lady."

Nodding your head you stood up, looking around you smiled when you found the horse you were looking for. Beckoning Thorin to follow you led him over. The horse had stunning blue eyes, fur as white as snow.

"This is Oria, he is a gentle horse and the fastest out of all of those on this field."
"He is beautiful." Thorin commented.

Oria bowed his head towards you and Thorin as he pawed the ground slightly.

"Oria, will you give Thorin Oakenshield your company on his quest?"

Oria looked at you before turning to Thorin. It was silent for a moment then he kissed his head.

"He would be honoured to join your quest."
"I shall be honoured to have such a noble steed."

Turning away from Thorin, you saw Havir walking over with his Pegasus Irin by his side and Mithran trailing a bit behind.

"Everyone has chosen."
"Wonderful, gather the, we shall take them back to the stables and pick up their supplies."

Havir nodded and jumped onto Irin's back as he went to gather everyone. You walked over to Mithran and ran a hand over his head, he bowed his head allowing you to grab a handful of his mane and gently pull yourself up.

"You want us to ride them without saddles?!" Kili yelled.
"Yes, we do not own saddles you see. But if you wish we can pick some up on the way back."
"That would be best your highness." Gandalf smiled from atop his horse.

The other hesitantly climbed onto their horse you and Mithran led the way and you answered the others questions about him.

"Excuse me, your majesty?" Bofur called.
"Yes master Bofur?"
"Are there other creatures in this forest like your horses?"
"Why yes, there are many. From winged horses to wolves with antlers. Bears bigger than any you've seen and much more. This forest is full of magical creatures."
"Can they hurt us?"
"If I were to tell them, yes master Gloin, they would. But the animals here are peaceful."

This seemed to put the on edge a little but they still seemed just as happy.

As you got back to Burs, the man handed everyone their weapons and handed Kili a quiver full of arrows.

"How did you know?"

Bur winked and nodded at you before walking back inside.

"Your saddles have been delivered to the tree."
"How do you know?"
"I can understand my people, even without talking to them. Now come, we must pick up master baggins' clothing."

Once again you all set out, people watched as you walked by. All keeping their distance as they awed at the sight of your horse. When you'd stopped again, Bilbo ran in to grab his clothes before running back out and you led them all to the main entrance to the tree.

"Please go eat, enjoy yourselves."

With a chorus of Thank you they all disappeared, the horses and ponies were led to the stables and you and Havir headed to the throne.

"What did you see this morning my friend?" He asked quietly.
"It is not pleasant..." you sighed.

Slowly you begun to inform Havir of what you saw and he grew more worried by the second.

"What can we do to save them?" He asked quietly.
"I have an idea, I shall be in the library."

With that you got up and quickly walked away with one goal in mind. Save the line of Durin

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