Chapter Nine

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Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and tilted your head back to the sky.

"My Lady!!"

Opening your eyes, you tilted your head to see Havir, Sadir, Lahir all get of their deer and Gandalf close behind them. The three ran over and dropped in front of you. You turned to face them and smiled sadly.

"What have you given up?" Lahir whispered.
"Invincibility." You sighed.
"You have nothing else to give."

You nodded your head.

"I can still try."

They all shared a look, tears streamed down Lahir and Sahirs faces while Havir tried to control his emotions. Reaching up, you placed one hand on Lahirs cheek and the other on Sahirs. You kissed the trios heads.

"I remember every moment I ever had with you, I raised you as my own."
"We see you as our mother." Sahir smiled.
"I'm aware you do, Sahir you will make a beautiful princess. You will rule with the kindness like none other has ever seen."

Turning to Lahir you brushed some hair from his face.

"Lahir my sweet boy, you'll be a perfect prince. Ruling with a heart as good as gold, you'll look after Sahir and allow only a true gentleman to court her now what you?"
"Of course I will..." he sniffed.

Turning to Lahir you took his cheeks between your hands.

"Lahir, it is okay to cry. To cry doesn't mean you aren't strong, many strong men cry. You'll the best king the kingdom has ever seen. They'll follow you without a doubt, you'll rule with as a natural leader. Take care of your brother and sister for me won't you? And you'll tend Mithran and Kithran, and Lenus' tree?"
"I will My Lady, I swear it."

With a small sigh, you kissed their heads once more and turned to Thorin. You dropped your blood on his chest and held you clean hand over it.

"Please don't do this..." Havirs voice cracked.
"What's she going to do?" Bofur asked.
"Shush now, I need silence..." you whispered.

Taking a deep breath you closed your eyes.

"Here me Lenus, as I place your leaf upon this dwarfs chest besides the Rune of reborn. With my blood upon his skin I ask you for one more thing. I have nothing to offer so I offer myself. I offer you my mortal life. For my mortal to become his mortal life for as long as he should live. One becomes two and part of me becomes him, allow this dwarf to rise and be brought back from the halls of he dead. He was gone too soon."

Opening your eyes, you stood as you waited.

"You are aware what this would mean, are you not?"
"I am well aware, it is a price I ask to pay."

Thorins chest slowly begun to rise and fall and you felt your knees give in and your body become immediately weaker.

"What did you do?!" Gandalf boomed.

Havir stood up as he shakily pointed to Kili.


He pointed to Fili next.


As he pointed to the now now stirring Thorin a tear slipped down his face and his voice broke while his siblings sobbed.

"Mortality... those are the things she gave up..."

Havir walked over and pushed your to lay down, now you eyes trained on the sky. Everyone crowded over you with tears in their eyes.

"You have you life for them?" Bilbo whispered.
"I would do it again..."

Turning to Havir, Sahir and Lahir you smiled a small smile.

"My children.."
"W... will you sing to us.. one last time..." Sahir whispered.
"What song would you like..."
"May it be...." Lahir sniffed.

Everyone back away as the trio crowded around you. Havir placed you head in his lap while Sahir and Lahir held your hands. Kithran and Kithran took a seat at your feet. You took a shallowed breath.

May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you

Raising your hand you brushed it against Sahir's cheek to wipe away her tears.

May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true

This time you turned to Lahir and brushed some hair behind his ear.

You walk a lonely road
Oh, how far you are from home

Glancing up you smiled at Havir.

Mornië utúlië ((darkness has come))
Believe and you will find your way
Mornië alantië ((darkness has fallen))
A promise lives within you now

That part you made sure they knew it was aimed at them all.

May it be the shadows call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun
Mornië utúlië ((darkness has come))
Believe and you will find your way
Mornië alantië ((darkness has fallen))
A promise lives within you now
A promise lives within you now

Your weak voice trailed off. Your hand fell limp from Sahir's and Lahir's faces as your once bright (E/C) eyes dulled over. Everyone cried even harder, Fili and Kili walked over and dropped to your side and Thorin sat up. At first he looked around confused and then he saw the group crowded around something. Standing up, Thorin pushed him forward and peered over his nephews to a sight he wish he hadn't.

"W... what happened...?" He whispered.

His gaze was on your bloodied shoulder thinking that what killed you, but he saw no blood. The only blood was from your hand. Then he noticed his nephews torn shirts and a chill you looked down to his his in the same state.

"The forest queen on this day lives no more." Havir whispered.

Rain begun to fall on them as if the heavens were also crying for her loss.

"She gives her life to save three." Sahir muttered.

Lahir looked up with red eyes, Thorin could see how pained they were.

"To save the line of Durin..."

Thorins eyes widened and he felt his heart shatter. He couldn't believe what he had heard, Kithran and Mithran both looked at him as the whined and turned back to you.

"Havir sound the horn..."

Havir stood up and blew on his horn. A somber sound emitted and not even three seconds later the same sound came from the distance.

"Mithran, Kithran, I ask you to walk beside me as I carry our queen." Havir sighed.

The animals stood and Havir gently picked you up, cradling your head to his chest as everyone else followed suit. With Mithran, Havir, Sahir, Kithran beside him, Havir walked in the front. Thranduil, Legolas, Tauriel, Thorin, Fili and Kili behind with everyone else at the back. It was silence as they walked back to the battle field

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