Chapter 1

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I woke up to that annoying beeping sound that was my alarm clock.

I swung my arm over to my night stand desperately trying to hit the snooze button before I lost my mind.

After smacking my hand on a couple of things, and knocking over a water bottle in the process, I finally turned it off.

I turn from my side onto my back and stared at the ceiling.

'Yay first day of junior year!' God, even my thoughts are sarcastic.

I slowly rolled out of bed and moped across the hall to the bathroom. I got in the shower and let the cool water refresh me, and help wake me up. I hated warm showers, they made me sleepy, never want to get out, and they burned, if your catching my drift. So I take cool showers, not cold, cool.

After drying off and fixing my hair, to the best of my ability, I tied my towel around my waist, and made my way back to my room where I promptly did a belly flop onto my bed and reached for my laptop.

I opened up the Internet and clicked on my notifications bar which was flashing.

My Tumblr had gained over 100 followers overnight because of something I posted only a couple of hours ago! Yes, guys can get excited over Tumblr.

I slammed my laptop shut and jumped out of bed with a new redound energy.

I threw on some black skinny jeans, a grey t-shirt, and my favorite plaid shirt. Hey, I got to look kind of nice for my first day, right?

I ran down the stairs, almost colliding with my mom who was about to walk up them.

"Oh! Hey mom" I blurted out excitedly.

"Someone's a little excited for their first day," she exclaimed. "Breakfast is in the table," she smiled then proceeded up the stairs, probably to get ready for work or whatever.

I made my way to the kitchen to find my mom had made waffles, sure she had just put them in the toaster, but it was a pleasant surprise, considering I figured on cereal like every other day.

I slowly ate, and scrolled through my tumblr, getting distracted every few minutes when I felt the need to reblog something, or one of my parents would walk by.

After I finished I glanced at the clock on the microwave. 7:30. I sighed knowing that I had to leave the . . . comfort of my home, to go out into the real world and face all those idiots.

I stood up brushing the crumbs from my shirt and stuffed my phone into my pocket before running upstairs to grab my backpack.

As I reached the front door I slipped on my Toms and grabbed my keys of the hook.

"Have a good day, Kellin!!" I heard my mom yell from the top of the stairs.

"You too" I yelled back, trying my best to sound cheery.

As I walked outside, the sun warmed my face and I made my way across the damp grass to my car.

I opened the door to my old, rusting, white Pontiac and started the car. Some loud song, probably by Bring Me The Horizon, started playing, but I was too lost in my own thoughts to pay attention.

I pulled into the student parking lot at about 7:54, I could have arrived sooner, but I like to take the long way, it's more scenic.

I swung open my door, not even caring if it were to hit the car parked next to mine. I got to keep up my "bad boy" image. I chuckled to myself that I had even thought that.

I swung my backpack over my shoulder and stood straight.

I strode towards the school, acting like the most confident guy in the world, even though I knew I was no where near.

I swung open the front door and let it slam behind me, not caring enough to hold it open for the people behind me.

As I entered the commons, or cafeteria whatever you want to call it, some people stared me down, while others glanced away to avoid eye contact.

Good my reputation is still where I left it.

I made my way to my previously assigned locker, and flung it open tossing my bag in there because why the hell should I carry that around all day.

I leaned up against the lockers while I waited for the bell to ring, signifying that we had five minutes to get to class.

People would glance at me and I got the occasional hello from people like Justin Hills, or Jack Fowler, the guys that apparently "looked up to me" and "wished they were me". Personally though, I figured on those two to be the shooters if there were ever a massacre at this school. I could seriously imagine all these kids just running and screaming while they chased them through the hallways with some Ak47's. And they would be the ones to get away with it too. They would go home and drink then come find me and be like "we did it for you Kellin, you are a god. " And I would. . .

The bell rang loudly through the hallway, pulling me from my morbid, conceded thoughts.

I grabbed a notebook and a pencil before slamming my locker shut and making my way to Math.

Since I'm an, as the call it, "average Junior" I am in algebra 2. Fucking why is it even required to take math. I barely passed Algebra 1 with a whopping 63% , or a very low D, so why make me take another year, a harder year.

'Im going to fail' I thought to myself.

I took a usual seat in the back. I like the back of classrooms. This way I can see everyone and I don't know, I gives me a sense of authority in a way. Also, I know if somebody is looking at me.

Per usual, nobody sat next to me. Whether out of fear, or just the fact they wanted to be up close so that they could pay attention, I don't know.

The bell rang and the teacher made his way to the front of the classroom. He looked like your typical old, grouchy man, and when he started talking my thoughts were confirmed.

"This class is not going to be easy to pass. You are going to have to work for your grades, I will not be easy with you. You have to earn your grades, just like you have to earn my respect and . . . Are you lost?" He questioned sharply.

I snapped out of my daze and glanced towards the door where I saw a skinny, tan skinned boy.

"Uh. . . No, I, uh" he stuttered frantically. "I couldn't uh. . ."

"YOU COULDN'T WHAT BOY?" The teacher roared at him. I started laughing quietly, this was hilarious. I never thought I'd get a kick out of some poor kid getting screamed at.

"I was lost" the kid spat out quickly.

'Oooh someone's got an attitude' I thought to myself. Though I was confused at his sudden burst of new found confidence.

"Well go take a seat. It looks like there's one in the back," Mr. What's his face said through clenched teeth.

The boy turned and started walking to the only empty seat left, the seat next to me.

As soon as he sat down, I saw all that confidence drop from his face. He slumped down in his seat, and look scared, maybe even a little sad. I felt like he was going to start to cry.

Wait, what do I care? I don't care about anybody in this school and now I care that some kid is about to cry because he got yelled at by a teacher? No. Nu-uh. Not going to happen.

But before I could stop myself I reached out and touched his shoulder.

He jumped in surprise and looked at my with glossy eyes and I saw the tears beginning to form.

"It's ok" I whispered. "You'll be fine."

He smiled at me and oh my god, I swear there were more than just butterflies in my stomach.

I quickly dropped my hand and faced forward.

**hey guys, sorry if this chapter is a tad wierd. I'm trying to figure it out. Sometimes my train of thought can be a little confusing, so if this jumps around a bit I apologize. But I hope you're liking it & please stick with me. I feel like it gets better after the first couple chapters**

I Can't Make You Stay [Kellic]Where stories live. Discover now