The Horror Of The Isle {Part One}

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They get back to their hideout and see Mal crying with her face in her knees on the ground, Jay goes over to Mal and hugs her "Why cant you both just admit you liked the kiss and that you like each other, we can see it in your eyes when you look at each other" Carlos told them. Mal puts her head up from her knees with tears running down her face and eyes red "Listen my mom has always said get a prince and money and power and a big house...Now that i'm older I can understand my feelings towards people and those people are not boys...I like you Mal and have my whole life I just haven't realized it until now" Evie had tears running down her face while she said that, Mal got up and held Evie's hands "I like you too Evie" Carlos and Jay leave the room.

Evie smiles and they look into each others eyes seeing happiness and compassion, Evie touches Mal's face and leans forward, Mal smiled and kisses Evie, Mal pulls away and smiles. "I wish this moment could last forever but what are we going to do about our mothers? They wont accept us together and if the figure out we will be in alot of trouble and wont see each other ever again" Evie told Mal sadly "They wont separate us, cause they wont find out about us" Mall tells her. They hear the Evil Queen calling their names from outside, they run outside to see her "You girls along with Jay and Carlos will be going to a new school" The Evil Queen tells them "What school, there is only one on the Isle mother" Evie asks "Auradon prep, is the school you will stay in in Auradon until you finish the mission we are going to give you, so lets go to the house now both of you" They go back to the house were they see Carlos, Jay and the rest of the parents standing there "Did they tell you about the preppy school?" Jay asks disgusted "Yea Auradon Prep" Evie responded "So whats this mission you were talking about?" Carlos asked "You four will get the wand from Auradon and bring it back here for us to use" Maleficent demanded "Now pack your bags but pack light you will be coming back soon with that wand of mine" she added, the other parents looked at her and said "our wand" rolling their eyes "Just come back with the wand" Maleficent told the kids as they went and packed their bags. They all finish packing their clothes and go to the living room where their parents are, The evil queen calls Evie to her and sits down beside her "Don't forget to get a prince to fall in love with you Evie, and be rich and have a big castle" she told Evie applying make up to her face "Umm" Evie looks at Mal "Yea I won't forget" Evie told her putting her head down. The limo parks infront of the house and all the kids jump in the car and drive off as their parents yell at them from the house. In the car it was a little awkward between Mal and Evie as they sat beside each other and looking at the ground, Jay and Carlos are also quiet but not awkward "Why are you guys being so awkward, we both know you like each other" Jay told them "Her mom said a get a prince, alot of money and a big castle...and I cant give her that" Mal said still looking at the floor "I'm sorry but we cant go out, our moms would kill us. And I don't want to disappoint my mom anymore" Evie told them looking sad "I guess we will act like we are just best friends and only that" Mal told her as they get to Auradon Prep. They get out the car and get greeted by a band and a boy walking up to them "Hello, i'm prince Benjamin but you can call me Ben" He said shaking all their hands and when he gets to Evie he stops and looks into her eyes, Evie smirks "Hi i'm Evie, the evil queens daughter" she says looking back into his eyes "And I am Mal and this is Carlos and Jay" Mal says loudly making them stop looking at each other "Someones jealous" Jay says laughing "Shut the hell up and lets just get to our rooms" Mal said punching his arm. They get the their rooms and Evie and Mal share a room and Carlos and Jay share a room "Here is your room lady's" Ben said opening the door for them "We tried to customize the dorm on how your parents told us about you both" They look in the dorm and its bright pink with a little purple and blue "I love it!" Evie said smiling at Ben "Good, ill leave you both alone as you settle down" Ben says walking towards the door "Wait" Ben says turning around "Evie would you like to go on a date sometime" Ben asks "Yea, of course" Evie said smiling, ben left and Mal and Evie start to unpack. "You move on fast, or was I just a toy to you E" Mal asked as she unpacks "You said we are just going to act like were best friends while we are here so thats what I did" Evie said "Yea whatever" Mal says, the door swings open and Carlos and Jay come running in the dorm.

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