Do they?

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Everyone was now in the waterfall and it was deep enough to were they could swim. Celia was under the water and came up under Dizzy and put her on her shoulders "Celia!!!" Dizzy playfully screamed "Put me down" she adds "Whatever you want princess" Celia says before leaning back dropping Dizzy off her shoulders "Little bitch" Dizzy says playfully when she comes back up from under the water.
"Are they dating?" Mal asked Evie "Dizzy said they weren't but they have to like each other or something" Evie says "Their flirting and don't even know it" Mal adds "Yea it's cute" Evie says "Not as cute as you" Mal says leaning down to kiss Evie on the lips "I missed your kisses" Evie said kissing her again. Celia is holding Dizzy up on her waist in the water, Dizzy's arms are around Celia's neck "When are you two going to tell us your officially dating?" Uma says jokingly "We aren't dating" Dizzy says "Hum I don't usually flirt and kiss my friends" Uma says "We didn't kiss" Celia said confused "But you admit you were flirting" Uma says laughing "We weren't flirting" Dizzy says "Guys let's go" Jay calls, Mal picks Uma up "Put me down psycho" Uma yells, Mal slams Uma in the water "What the fuck was that for" Uma says when she gets back to the surface "I wanted to do that all day" Mal says proudly "So that's not flirting?" Celia teases "No!!" The two of them said together "Guys come on" Jay says wanting to finish the hike "We're coming cry baby" Mal says, they all swim back to the shore and put their shirts back on (They had sports bras and bras on) They finish the hike and go back to their respective dorms.
"Hey Evie" Celia says before the walk through the door "Yea?" She responds looking at her "Can you maybe tell Dizzy you want to sleep with Mal and have her sleep on the couch?" Celia asks shyly "Why?" Evie asks "Just...please Evie" Celia begged "Sure" Evie told her walking back into the room. Dizzy was sitting on Evie's bed "Diz can Mal sleep with me tonight?" Evie asked the younger girl "Yea" Dizzy says moving to the couch "Thanks" Evie said and went to tell Mal that she's sleeping with her. Everyone was asleep other then Celia and Dizzy "Psst" Dizzy whispers "Yes" Celia whispered "I can't sleep" Dizzy told her "Want to sleep over here with me?" Celia asked smiling "Yea" Dizzy says getting up and switching couches, Celia puts her arms around Dizzy's waist and pulls her as close as possible "Are you fine with this?" Celia asks "Yea" Dizzy says smiling cuddling into Celia's neck.
"Wake up whores" Uma says loudly "Shut up" Mal tells her, Uma hits the back of Mal's head "Ow you hoe" Mal whines "Where is Dizzy?" Uma asks looking at the empty couch that's facing them, Mal and Evie get up and look at the couch with Celia "Awww look" Evie says "Why don't they just date already" Uma says "For real" Mal agrees "Let's wake them" Uma says, they get on both sides of the couch "Wake the fuck up bitches!!!" Uma and Mal yell. Dizzy and Celia open their eyes "Shut the hell up" Celia says pulling Dizzy even closer "Come on I'm hungry" Uma says "We can't leave them" Evie reminds them "Get up" Mal tells them. Dizzy moves Celia's arms from around her waist and gets up "Come on Celia" Dizzy says and walks away to use the bathroom, Celia watches her closely as she walks away "Damn staring problem?" Uma asks "What" Celia says innocently "You were staring hard as hell at her butt" Mal added Dizzy came back "If you get up I'll kiss you" Dizzy says to Celia who got up quickly, Mal and Uma started laughing hysterically and Evie was saying "Aww" Celia smiles at Dizzy and was waiting for her kiss, Dizzy kisses her hand and puts it on Celia's lips "Oh that was harsh" Mal says laughing at Celia getting mad "That's not even fair" Celia said pouting "Girls are y'all dressed and ready" Harry says knocking on the door "He knocks now?" Mal asks "He's been knocking since the day" Uma laughs "Come in Harry" Mal says laughing "Hey girlies" he says, he looks at Celia "What's wring with her?" He asks "Nothing" Dizzy says proudly.

The whole group both girls and boys are walking down the school hallways, people are whispering some people are cheering and some people are getting scared and running the other way "Benny boo" Mal says "What the hell, there are more of you" He says "What's that supposed to mean" Uma says getting defensive "Chill Uma" Mal says "So you have another girlfriend?" Ben laughs "Girlfriend!!" Uma says loudly "She wishes" she added, Everyone's laughing but Mal who is looking at her like 'really' Jay, Harry, Gil and Carlos get in the front "So Ben we will either get our way or you will have a war with the baddest villains alive" Jay says "Sure we're not out parents but we are stronger and smarter" Carlos says, Ben sighs "I don't need anymore problems with any of you okay? One more incident and your done" Ben tells them and walks away "What are we doing today?" Dizzy asks "I want to go back to the dorm and play the video games again" Gil says and Harry agrees "Let's go then" the boys say and leave. "Well it's just us girls today" Evie says "Let's go shopping" She adds, Dizzy gets excited "What no" Uma says "Come on we're all going" Dizzy says, Celia is still pouting "Celia come on" Dizzy says taking her hand into hers and walking.

"I'm tired" Uma whines when they get back to the dorm "To much shopping" Mal complains "I have to fix a dress for Jane, I'll be back in about 3 hours" Evie says leaving right all her supplies "I'm taking a nap" Mal says and Uma agrees. Celia has been down the whole day, they tried to cheer her up but nothing helped. Dizzy gets up and sits beside her "Want to watch TV?" She asks "Sure" Celia said plainly "Look Celia I'm sorry for doing that this morning, I would of kissed you but everyone was here and watching and I didn't want it to go like that" Dizzy admits "You could of said that sooner, instead of me thinking you didn't want to kiss me at all" Celia says, Dizzy leans in to kiss her but Celia backs away "I get one free kiss when ever I want" Celia says laughing "No" Dizzy tells her "It's only fair" Celia reminds her "Fine whatever" they watch TV and Evie comes back to a house full of sleeping girls.

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