Stupid Assignment

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Mal's POV
This is probably the worst assignment that we could be doing right now. I love Evie but she loves Ben and acts like we never had anything. I'm trying to decide what I should wear to the coffee shop with the boys, I decided on a purple crop top and black ripped skinny jeans. I was walking to the shop when Jay and Carlos ran to me "Malllll" Carlos said "What" I said a little more bitchy than I wanted to "Sup grouchy" Jay said putting his hand on my head "Can we go in please" I asked walking in with Jay's arm wrapped around my shoulders, some girl with green eyes and blonde hair came up to us "Hey Jay" she said flirtatiously then she looked me up and down "You could do a lot better than that" she said pointing at me "Excuse me" I said stepping towards her, see I know I'm not actually Jay's girlfriend but I already was in a bad mood "You heard me" she said "He could do better than a low life purple haired freak like yourself" she added, I just snapped and started punching her and soon enough she was on the ground with me on top of her punching her face. Jay and Carlos picked me up and left the building with me over Jay's shoulder
"Let me go" I whined as we got further away from the coffee shop "not until we get to your dorm" Carlos said, I sighed and just layed there waiting until we got to my dorm. Jay and Carlos dropped me off at my dorm and went back to theirs, I looked in the mirror and I have a cut lip and a bruised cheek "Not that bad" I said to my self.

I was sitting in the dorm for almost 3 hours by my self when Evie walked in and set her bags down, Ben must of took her shopping or something. She looked at me and started to walk away but then looked again and ran over to me "What happened to your face" She asked touching my face gently "You should see the other guy" I said cockily "You got into a fight with a guy!?!" She kinda yelled "No, calm down it's nothing" I said not wanting to continue this conversation "It doesn't look like nothing" she mumbled "Evie you weren't concerned before so don't be now, okay?" I said about to get up "Okay Mal I'm sorry" Evie said sadly. It was quiet for a moment "We should start our project" Evie suggested, I signed and nodded my head "So this is basically a conversation about how to love someone just it's a grade" Evie said directly "Yea, I'll write down what I think in my notebook and you put what u think in yours" I said closing my notebook "Why did you close your notebook I thought we were taking notes?" She asked confused "We are but WE are not I don't want to spend anymore time with you than I have to okay? Bye" I said opening the door "Mal it's a group project, please" she begged, I just walked off to the library where I knew I could write in silence.

I went inside the library and Carlos and Jay were reading books...they never read, im going to see what they are doing "Hey boys" I said sitting down in one of the empty chairs "Sup Mal" Jay said "Hey" Carlos said still reading his book "What are yall reading and why" I asked trying to look over at the books in their hands and on the table "Book about how to love" Jay said "We don't really know how to love so we thought reading about all these princesses and princes with their loving parents was going to help" Carlos told me while he wrote something down in a notebook "Is it helping" I asked reading Carlos's notes "Nope" Jay said closing his book and showing me his notebook "Its empty" I said looking at Jay's empty notebook "I know that's the point all these books are filled with the same money powered love not the realness of love like we are supposed to be writing about for this stupid project" Jay said grabbing another book "What do you have written down Carlos?" I asked, Carlos slid his notebook to me so I could read it, I read it outloud "Love is a man and women which is not true it could be anyone or anything, love is not really existent and people only love you for what you have like money, cars and houses" I stopped and shook my head up and down "Yea this seem right" I said, Jay shaking his head 'yes' as well "Where did you get these books I need to finish my project" I asked "Section L" Carlos told me pointing in the direction "Thanks" I said starting to walk to section L "Wait Mal, where is Evie it is a group project" Jay asked "I don't want to spend anymore time with her then needed so I told her we do our own separate projects then put them together tomorrow in class" I told him. Jay sighed but didn't add on to it so i left to find books and write my presentation.

I finished my project and went back to my dorm. Evie was sitting on her bed on her phone, I just went to the bathroom took a shower and brushed my teeth. I put my project in my bookbag "Did yo finish your project" Evie asked suddenly "Yea" I said dryly "Was it hard for you too?" she asked "No" I said dryly again "How? Our parents never loved us" she said sitting at the edge of her bed now "The boys and I read the books in the library on love and what it really is" I told her "Oh so...the boys and you worked together instead of me and you like the teacher assigned" she said kinda annoyed "They were just at the library and helped me find some books that's all, we didn't work on the project together just shared books we found" I said getting in my bed on the side furthest from Evie's bed "Im going to sleep" I told her so she would stop talking to me "Goodnight" she said, I didn't say anything back and just turned my body so my back was facing her. I don't know why i'm being so mean to Evie and I hate that I am but I need to get over her if shes going to date Ben. I need to accept her and Ben and leave whatever we had back on the Island alone forever. I hate that me and Evie can't be together but I guess it's easier this way, no hatred towards us for our preferences and no one will look at us differently if we just blend in so I guess this is goodbye to the fantasy of me and Evie.

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