The Jay Way

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Jay parks the limo back where he got it and they all get out "What's the Jay way?" Carlos asked "And does it involve hurting people?" Evie added "Not if they just comply" Jay said smirking "To Ben's office" Jay adds with his finger pointing up, walking to the office. Mal shook her head, they didn't like where this was going but they followed him anyways.

Jay was about to open the door when Mal interrupted "How do you know he's in there?" She asks "He's been working late for days, why should tonight be different?" Jay swings open the door and sure enough Ben was there "Sup Benjamin" Jay said "Jay what do you-" Ben stops mid sentence and looks at Mal "What is she doing here, your banned" Ben said "We lifted that ban already" Jay told him "So, your going to do us a little favour" he added "Why would I do anything for you" Ben asked still looking at Mal "Anyways, you are going to make sure none of your guards come for Mal and put her or my friends on the Isle" Jay says simply, ignoring Bens question, Ben stands up from his desk and faces Jay "Or What Jay, you choked my security guards to death, tried to kill me, froze fairy godmother and got into a fight with other students, that might be okay on the Isle but it's not okay here" he says to Jay "Then don't yell at my sisters" Jay tells him sternly "I do what I want" Ben said trying to stand his ground "Let's go" Mal says grabbing Jay's shoulder "You think you have a choice" Jay says laughing, he lifts his fist up to punch Ben when Mal grabs him "Now" she says pulling him to the door, Jay walks out the room and the rest follow "What was that all about" Carlos asked "I just hate him so much" Jay said "Time to take over Auradon" he added "What?!" Evie and Carlos said at the same time "I have reinforcements" Jay says smirking, he typed something in on his phone and put it away "Who's dorm is bigger?" He asked "Umm yours I think" Mal said "Everyone to my dorm then, I'll be there in a few minutes" he said going towards where we parked the limo "Where are you going?" Carlos said concerned for his friend "I'll be back in a few minutes okay?" Jay said before running outside.

"Hey" Jay says coming into the dorm with a lot of food "Where the hell did you get all that and who the hell is going to eat all that" Mal asks just as she asked that the door opened "Hey freaks" Uma said followed by Harry, Gil, Celia, and Dizzy "Dizzy!!!" Evie said as the younger girl ran into her arms. Harry and Jay did a handshake and Gil and Carlos did a handshake too. Mal and Uma looked at each other in the eye and quickly looked away "What are y'all doing here" Evie asked letting go of Dizzy "These are my reinforcements" Jay said "For?" Carlos asked "He has guards and we have Isle kids. Who do you think is going to win" Jay says "We need sleep so Boys in here and girls to your dorm" Jay said "Okay let's go" Evie says walking out the door "When did you become the leader?" Uma asks laughing "When do you shut you mouth" Mal says "Girls not right now" Celia says following Evie.
The girls get to their room "It's so pretty" Dizzy says "It's bright" Celia says and Uma and Mal agree "See y'all can agree on this" Dizzy tells them, Uma rolls her eyes and flops on a bed "That's my bed" Mal says "Mine now" she says "Get off" Mal argues "Just go to sleep" Celia says laying down on a couch "Dizzy and I will share this bed" Evie says and the two girls get in that bed "Get up" Mal tells Uma again "No" she says annoyed "Your such an annoying hoe" Mal tells her "I don't care" Uma says laying down. Mal took the other couch and went to sleep.

"Wake up" Celia says, Mal and Uma get up instantly "Dizzy and Uma wake the fuck up!!" Celia yells "What do you want" Dizzy says "Up now" Celia says hitting her little butt "Ow you bitch" Dizzy says "Good morning to you too" Celia says laughing "Didn't you have a shirt on before we went to sleep?" Evie asks Uma "Yea but this room is hot as hell" she responds "Wheres my shirt?" Uma says since she threw it somewhere in the room the night before "There" Dizzy says pointing at towards Mal. The shirt was a few inches away from Mal's feet, Mal sighs and picks it up "Here" she says throwing it at the girls head. All the girls get ready and the boys walk in "Morning" Carlos says bringing food in "Thank god I was starving" Celia says "When aren't you hungry" Dizzy asks "When I'm eating y-" Celia got cut off by Uma putting her hand over the younger girls mouth "Shut the fuck up" Uma says "So what are we doing today?" Harry asks "Hiking" Jay says "That's your master plan?" Uma asks "What the hell is hiking going to do" Celia asks "It's just a hike, no one is attacking us yet" Jay tells them "Fine" Uma says "Let's go then" Celia says winking at Dizzy "Ugh I hate you" Dizzy says walking out the door "No you don't" Celia says walking out with everyone else.

Uma, Harry, Gil, Jay and Carlos are in the front talking while they hike, Mal and Celia are taking behind them and Dizzy and Evie behind them "So what was that about?" Evie asked "What?" Dizzy said "You and Celia, she slapped your ass, winked at you and said something else I'm not repeating" Evie says to the younger girl who she considers we little sister "If you are asking if we're together before then no" Dizzy says "Then why did she do all those things? Does she like you?" Evie asked "I don't know, I was going to ask you that. Does Mal like to embarrass you?" The younger girl asks "Yea, she does all the time especially when it comes to anything sexual" Evie says "She does that all the time" Dizzy says thinking of Celia actually likes her "What's that?" Celia says stopping everyone in their tracks "What" Mal asks looking where the younger girl is looking "It's a water fall!!" Celia says excitedly, before anyone could say anything she took off her shirt, threw it on the ground and ran into the water "Well I guess we're going swimming" Mal says taking her shirt off.

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