Time For School!!

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Evie's POV
We were going back to our room when Ben asked to talk to me, Mal went into our room so Ben could talk to me in private "I was wondering if you didn't mind if we moved our date to after school. I know we set it for a few days but I just can't wait" Ben told me shyly "Yea, Yea of course I'll see you after school" I told him, he's so cute when he's shy, I don't get why Mal doesn't like him he's sweet. I hugged Ben bye and went into our room to see Mal writing in her journal and she's ready so I got ready, when I was done Mal was still writing and drawing, I went over to her and looked over her shoulder "What the fuck Evie" Mal said loudly and shutting her journal, I was stunned by what she said "I...I'm sorry Mal, I thought-" I started to say but Mal interrupted me "You thought wrong" she grabbed her backpack and her journal and slammed the door, I don't know why she's so angry...what was she writing in her book that I just couldn't know, I thought we told each other everything. I looked at the time and went to class.

Mal's POV (in class)
I slammed the door to my dorm and went to class. Evie has to no right to look over my shoulder to see what I was writing. I sat down behind Carlos and Jay in our beginning class which was only us since were the only new ones here.
"Mal, we were thinking after school we would all go to that new cafe" Carlos told me "Who's all?" I asked already knowing but making sure "Me, Jay, Evie, and you of course who else would go" Carlos asked "I'm not going if Evie's going" I told them harshly "Why" I heard someone ask from behind us, I turned around to see Evie, she walked towards us and stopped in front of my table "What's up with you? You won't talk to me, you lashed out at me for nothing, and you won't even hang out with me anymore" Evie said, her eyes started watering "I...Nothing okay?!" I was trying to keep my cool and not show emotions, because like my mother always says feeling/love is weak and you don't want to be weak. Jay and Carlos were just staring at us not knowing what to say or if they should intervene. I was about to say something when Fairy Godmother came into the class "Sit down children, let's get this lesson started shall we?" Fairy Godmother said nicely, Evie sat down in front of Jay and Carlos. "So today our lesson is about "How to love someone" you will need your notebook, you have to raise your hand to speak and everyone has to speak for this assignment okay?" She sounds so happy, I sigh loudly. The only reason we are doing this stupid assignment is because they don't think we get love where we come from...we don't but they don't have to rub it in our faces with an assignment.

Next chapter they will have to do the assignment and how the girls and boys take "How to love someone" and what it does to their relationships.

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