Im Backkkk

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Mal's POV
The limo ride was boring until I got to the Isle. I'll have to make new friends ugh being social to random people isn't my thing. When I got the the Isle the driver took me to my "house" and threw my bags out the car and left, well damn could he be any more rude. I opened the door to the place I lived when I was younger "Mal" my mom said looking at me up and down "You've changed" she added with a disgusted tone "Yea it's called growing up" I told her about to go to my room when she stopped me "The Evil Queen wants to talk to you Mal, she's in her room now go" she said pushing me to the room, is she going to kill me for dating her daughter "My mom said you wanted to speak to me?" I asked "Your grammar is different...I hate it" she told me "Okay?" I responded "Evie" she said randomly "What about her?" I asked nervously "Your dating my daughter!! Did you not think I was going to find out!?" She said raising her voice "No not really and if you did I didn't think you would be able to do anything about it since I wasn't here and neither is she" I told her truthfully "Well your back" she said holding the 'K' in back, oh shit I'm about to die. The Evil Queen stood up and walked towards me, she just stayed there for a second then started to hit me, everything went black...

Evie's POV
I can't just let them take Mal away I know my mother is going to hurt her "Guys she can't just stay there" I told the boys "Well Evie what can we do about it huh?!" Jay said getting an attitude "Mal's gone and it's all your fault!!" he yelled "How!?" I yelled back "If you wouldn't have dated Ben, Mal wouldn't be on the Isle right now" he yelled again "I-" I tried to say something but he was right, it is my fault "We can't just blame each other okay? We have to help Mal, for all we know she could be close to death right now for dating Evie" Carlos said "He's right" I said "We have to go get her" I told them "Tonight" Jay said "We don't have the limo keys" I reminded them "I got that covered" Jay said "Their not taking our best friend away from least not without a fight" he added walking out the door. "Please don't get us in any trouble" I said out loud but not directed to anyone "He won't, he wants Mal back and he will stay on the Isle for her" Carlos said "Now come on, we need to make those color bomb things to distract our parents" he said walking out the room, I followed.

Jay's POV
I need Mal back and either I get her the easy way or my way "Hey beast" I said to the king "It's king Jay" he said walking into his office, I followed him into the office and closed the door "Now let's go over the plan" I say "What?" he asked "You bring Mal back the easy way or my way" I tell him sternly "Or not at all" the king replied "You have one more chance, and just know I will do anything for Mal she's my little sister" I tell him and he just sits there looking at me with no facial expression "Fine my way it is, this should be fun" I says walking out the room, after I secretly take a set of limo keys from his desk.

"Here" I say throwing the keys to Carlos "Okay let's go we have everything ready" Evie says, I stop Evie "We're going to get her back" I say to her "I know we will" She tells me. We go to the limo as quickly as possible and drive off.
We finally make it to the isle, we leave the car near the bridge and cover it up, but we take the remote with us. "Be secretive, we can't let our parents find out we're here before we get to the house" Carlos reminds us, we nod our heads and walk to the house with our heads down so no one can see our face. We get to the house, no one is around it but we know our parents are inside, I look up at the house "I can't believe we lived her out whole life" Evie said "Me either" Carlos added "Guys, we have to find Mal and get out of here, even if it means we fight got it" I say walking into the house "Hey kids" Maleficent said without turning around to look at us "How did you know it was us" Carlos asked "Who else would have the guts to just walk into an evil villains house, let alone 4 villains" she told us "We thought you would be here sooner" she added "The children are here!!!" she yelled out, we hear footsteps and chains "Guys!!" Mal says, her hands in chains "Why is she locked up!?" I say loudly "So she won't do anything stupid now that she has powers" Cruella De Vil says "Let her out, but no funny business Mal" Maleficent says, they let Mal out the chains and she runs into Evie's arms "I missed you" Mal said "I missed you too" Evie told her "Enough with this" The Evil Queen says "Now that your here your not going back" The Evil Queen says "Wheres my dad?" I ask looking around "Out stealing" Maleficent told me "Jay no distractions remember" Evie says "Yea yea I know" I told her "Now lets go" I say to them, we begin to walk out the house then the doors automatically lock.

Mal's POV
"What the fuck, let us out" Jay says loudly "Don't raise your voice at us" Cruella De Vil says coming towards us, Carlos stands in front of us "Stop it, just let us go!!" Carlos says "Sit down child before you get hurt" Carlos's mom tells him "No" he says, this is the first time he has ever stood up to his mother "We don't want to hurt you" Carlos says "But we will" Evie added stepping up with him "Is that a threat?" Jafar asked coming from the back door "Yea, dad it is" Jay tells him "Son I thought you knew better then to cross the people who raised you" Jafar said angrily "You didn't raise me and neither did they" Jay started to get louder "We raised each other, you are all shitty parents" Jay adds, Jafar walks up to Jay but Jay stands tall, Jafar punches Jay in the face "Don't speak to me like that again" he says "Don't touch him!!!" Carlos says pulling Jafar back and hitting him "Now!!" Evie says, Carlos stops hitting Jafar and grabs bags out Evie's backpack and throws the bombs "Your going to regret this...STAFF!!!" Maleficent yelled, her staff coming to her hand. "I got my mom, everyone else get your parents, remember we're stronger together" I say "Weak like always" The Evil Queen says punching me "Get off her" Evie yelled trying to get her mom off me but her mom smacked her "I said to marry a prince not Mal" she says "DON'T TOUCH HER!!!!" I yell getting angry. I started to turn bright purple but this time I could control myself a little more then last time. "Bájate de ellos" I yell, our parents fly off of us and land on the back wall "What the fuck was that" my mom says getting up "Cool" Jay says giving me a high-five "Run?" Carlos questions "No, Mal's powers and us v.s them and Maleficent's staff, I think we're fine" Jay says. I smirk and stand in front of them, my mom bangs her staff on the ground "Enough" she yells "Put down the stick bitch" I say calmly and strictly. She quickly levitated to me and her eyes turned green and so did mine "You think you have the courage to stand up to me?! Your just like your father...worthless and stupid" My mother said trying to get to my head so I would break, but not this time "Your not going to win this time mother, I'm a lot stronger then you" I smirk, her face gets closer to mine, she stares more intensely into my eyes. I take deep breath and my eyes begin to turn different colors "What the hell" Carlos says "What?" Jay asks "Her eyes" Evie says "Shit" Jay responds "Get ready, I feel like Mal is about to win this" Jay says, Evie and Carlos got the color bombs ready. My mom blinked, her eyes turning brown again, I smirked "Now!!" I said, Evie and Carlos threw the bombs and everything went colorful so we couldn't see our parents and they couldn't see us "Grab hands" I say grabbing Evie's hand, they all connects hands "How did you get here?" I ask quickly "Limo, out near the gate" Jay says "Ir a la limusina Auradon" I say and we teleport to the limo.

We get into the car and Jay drives off "How did you learn to control your powers" Evie asks me holding my hand "I don't know, I just can I guess...but lets talk about how Carlos cussed" I says laughing "I don't wanna talk about it" Carlos says from the front seat "How are we going to get her inside without anyone knowing?" Carlos asks changing the subject "The Jay way" Jay tells us with a evil smirk on his lips.

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