Best Birthday Ever!!!

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No Ones POV
"Hey" Dizzy says to Celia who is sitting at Evie's desk "Come here" Celia says saving her over "What?" Dizzy asks "Look at this chair" Celia says spinning it fast "How old are you again?" Dizzy laughs "14" Celia tells her proudly "Wait...When was your birthday?" Dizzy asks "Umm it's not that big of a deal" Celia said trying to go around the question "When" Dizzy said demanding "Fine...It's uh- today" Celia tells her "Are you serious!! You need to tell someone!!" Dizzy says excited "I didn't want it to be a big deal, I never celebrated my birthday why start now" Celia asks "We're in Auradon" Dizzy reminds her pulling her up by her arms "Let's go" Dizzy tells her dragging her out the room into the boys dorm.
"Everyone!!" Dizzy shouted when she got inside the dorm "What?!" Evie said worried "What's wrong?" Mal asks "It's Celia's birthday today!!" Dizzy announces "Really!?" Evie asks going up to the girl and hugging her "I know" Uma said looking around "Then why didn't you say something" Carlos says hitting her arm "Celia didn't want everyone to know and make it a big deal" Uma said "Whatever, we have to throw a party!!" Evie tells everyone "Why" Celia groans "Oh come on!!" Evie says knowing the best place to have the party "Everyone meet me at the enchanted lake in a hour" Evie told everyone who just nodded.

"Let's go" Jay said in a hour "Birthday parties are probably so lame" Celia complains more wanting to go "There fun, I promise" Carlos says.

"Happy birthday!!!" Evie, Dizzy and Gil yell when they see everyone "Whats that?" Celia asked being new to parties that celebrate her "It's presents for you, Dizzy picked them" Evie told the girl smiling "Oh" Celia said looking around. Dizzy went to check on Celia "What's wrong?" Dizzy asks "Just not use to people actually caring about my birthday" Celia tells her "Well we care" Dizzy says kissing her cheek.

They were all partying and having fun when Ben and 5 guards came from the entrance "Whats the special occasion" Ben says loudly so they can all hear him "Shit" Gil whispers under her breath "Come on!!" Carlos says "You have to ruin everything" he adds "Shut up" Ben tells the boy "Mal and Uma have the most power together so keep them away from each other" Ben tells the guards "Now!!!" Ben screams. Doug, Chad, Jane, and Audrey come from behind trees "Hey" Chad smirks "Seriously?" Uma says. Ben and everyone else start running to where the party is "Best birthday ever!!" Celia says "Jay, did you bring anything?" Gil asks "Of course" Jay says offended "Here" Jay says tossing everyone their weapons.

The guards attacked first "So Mal, Evie how are you two?" Ben asks trying to distract them "Because from what I saw on the security camera Uma has taken your place" Ben laughs evilly, Evie glances at Mal and Uma but goes back to fighting.
They finally got all the guards down "Want to see the video of them making out and hooking up?" Ben asks showing his phone "Oh so you watch us when your lonely?" Uma asks smirking "N-no!!" Ben says defensive "Lets just get this over with" Mal says grabbing Uma's hand "Same spell we used last time" Mal tells her. They throw a huge ball of magic at Ben but he throws something that redirects in the direction of Celia "Celia!!" Uma yells. Celia gets hit with it and it throws her into the rocks behind her "Celia!!!!" Dizzy screams running towards her "You bitch!!!" Dizzy screams at Ben. Mal freezes Ben but the others run towards them and begin to fight with swords "Dormir" Mal says making them fall to the ground "Why didn't you do that before?" Harry asks "Because Celia wasn't hurt then" Mal says going to the two girls on the ground "Is she breathing?" Carlos asks "Yes" Dizzy says sniffing.
Ben breaks out the ice and grabs fairy godmother's upgraded wand out his bag "Uma" Harry says looking at Ben, they all look back "Mal!!" Uma says as Ben points the wand towards them. Uma and Mal put their hands up, Ben's magic colliding with Mal and Uma's.
"Why the hell isn't he down already" Uma says after a few minutes of holding it "They upgrades the wand" Mal says staring into Ben's eyes "Oh come on girls. It's a wand against energy sucking magic" Ben laughs "There is no way your going to win" Ben says seeing that the two girls magic is sucking out all their energy. Celia opens her eyes quickly and flys above Mal and Uma "What the fuck" Evie says shocked. Celia puts her hand out like Uma and Mal, magic starts coming out her hand "He can't hold three of them can he?" Dizzy asks "I don't think so" Jay says.
Celia flys in front of Ben blocking the wand so now the wands magic is hitting her body "Celia!! No!!!" Uma yells. Her eyes begin to glow red, she takes the wand with her bare hands and snaps it in half "What the hell!!" Ben complains, she jump high into the air turning into a dragon like Mal but Celia is dark red. She flys away then turns, Ben runs always but she blows fire down onto him "Damn" Harry says. Celia then jumps into the water turning into a dark red octopus like Uma "Cool!!" Gil says
Everyone was in shock of why Celia could do all the things Uma and Mal can do "How the hell did she do that?" Harry asks "Don't know" Gil says also confused.
"Her eyes are like Mal's" Dizzy says looking at the girls red eyes "You both blasted her with she might have both of your abilities combined" Carlos says "Hey" Celia says going back into her regular form "Thats not even fair" Uma complains "That was so cool!!!" Celia says excitedly "Best birthday ever" she laughs "I'm glad your safe" Dizzy says hugging her, they both smile and let go of each other. Evie and Mal make eye contact but Evie looks away "Evie..." Mal says softly, Evie shook her head and walked back to the dorms, Celia and Dizzy following. The boys all look Uma and Mal "You both fucked up" Jay says "Big time" Carlos adds "No going back" Harry tells them "How was it?" Gil asked, Harry hit his arm "Come on" Harry says walking off with the rest of the boys. Mal sighs "We did fuck up" Mal told her "I know" Uma said "Let's go" Mal says walking with Uma back to the dorms.

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