In Auradon {Part Two}

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Mal's POV
"Whats wrong" Evie says alarmed by how the boys came in "They have d-dogs here!!" Carlos said shaken up, Jay
punched Carlos's arm "No one cares about the dog, we have a huge screen in our room with games!" Jay said excitedly "Guys!!! Remember why we're here" I said getting their attention "the wand and then we rule" Carlos sat on one of the beds "She's right, the sooner we get this done the happier our parents will be...right?" He said innocently "y-yea of course, my mom gave me her magic mirror so we can find it faster I looked it up already when we got here and it's in a museum and it doesn't look guarded at all" Evie said getting the magic mirror out her bag "So What are we waiting for...let's get the wand" Jay says heading towards the door.
They get to the museum (it's night time) and finally open the doors "I thought you said it wasn't guarded" Jay said out of breath from breaking the door "I said the wand not the whole museum" Evie said following the magic mirrors directions to the wand, they all followed and got to the wand. Jay and Carlos laugh "That's the wand they want?" Jay says laughing "that old thing" Carlos adds "It's not what it use to be but it still works the same" I says walking towards the wand "Wait Mal, that's to easy. This might be Auradon with princess and princes but they can turn evil too. There has to be some type of protection on this" Carlos says looking around for buttons or something to do with the wand "Well never know...let's try" Jay says reaching for the wand. He grabs the wand and a loud siren goes off "JAY WHAT THE HELL" I says, they all run out the museum and go to Jay and Carlos's room.
"You couldn't of waited" Carlos said playing a game on the TV "I didn't think there was anything there, We couldn't see it" Jay responds laying on his bed "Well we have to go to school tomorrow thanks to Jay and we have to meet all the students for that pep rally thing Ben said" I said annoyed "Guys come on it can't be bad, we lived on an island for our whole life why can't we just get a little bit of a normal childhood?" Evie said, they all stopped what they were doing "Evie, we will never have a normal childhood, our parents are villains" I says "Nothing is normal about us" Jay adds. Carlos starts to yawn "I'm tired and we have to go to school tomorrow" he looks at Jay and rolls his eyes "Let's go to sleep, you girls can sleep here if you want" Carlos tells them as he gets into his bed "Yea well just stay here" Evie says getting onto Jays bed "What the hell, get off my bed get on the couch" Jay says to Evie, Carlos and I look at him "Why do we have to go to school tomorrow?" I ask sarcastically "Fine!!" Jay says getting comfortable on the couch.
The Next Morning
"Wake up, our class starts in a hour" Evie says jumping on Jay "Evie get off of me" Jay says trying to keep his self calm, Evie gets off him and stand there innocently "I'm going to take a shower" Jay says getting up to go to the bathroom "We should go to our room" I say walking towards the door "Okay bye guys see ya later" Carlos says looking up from his video games. We walk to our room and get inside and there are flowers and balloons on the ground and bed and a card that reads
"Can't wait for our date -Ben" Evie smiles reading the card and it gets on my nerves "Why did he come into our room!!" I said angrily "It was a sweet gesture Mal and he is the king he will have keys to everywhere" She says laughing "Fine whatever, I don't like him though" I told her taking the flowers off my bed, I guess Ben didn't know which bed was which so he just put them on both "You have no reason not to like him, he's sweet and charming" Evie says "Ugh" is all I can say because I'm really annoyed at how she just moved on that quickly.

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