Guess Whos Back

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No Ones POV
"Are we going home?" Celia asks as they walk through the streets of the isle "We don't have a home" Uma told her throwing a rock at a sign. They walk into their secret hangout when they were little "Cool" Celia says putting her backpack down "Did Mal do this?" Celia asks looking at the wall "Yea" Uma said grabbing a drink from the counter "Why are we here?" Celia asks "Our parents are-" Uma was interrupted "I mean why did we leave" Celia asked. Uma sighed and rubbed her hands through her hair "I couldn't take it...After Mal and I did stuff she said she didn't regret anything and she lied to Evie and said we were drunk but we were completely sober" Uma tells the younger girl "I'm sorry she's sick an ass" Celia says "It's fine kid. You don't have to worry about that, you have Dizzy" Uma tells her "Yea" the younger girl smiles sadly "I don't belong in Auradon and she does. If that means we have to stop what we're doing then I guess that's what we're going to do" she says "We don't need girls" Uma smiles "Yea, we have each other" Celia says "Even though we're both girls" Uma laughs.

"Are you going to go see your mom?" Celia asks "Why? So I can do her work for her?" Uma asks "No because she's your mom" Celia tells her "You are lucky, your dad loves you and will do anything for you but my mom along with almost every parent on the Isle doesn't love their child and just makes us work or doesn't care" Uma says grabbing some spray paint "I'm sorry" Celia say "It's fine, now go see your dad" Uma tells her.
Once Celia closed the door Uma fell onto the couch and started tearing up.
She had an emotional breakdown and started crossing out the painting of Mal with red paint. Uma grabbed a pair of scissors and started cutting her hair.

"Uma I'm back" Celia yelled from the bottom of the long steps "Uma?" She says again. She goes up the stairs and sees the red paint across Mal's face on walls, Uma's hair on the floor "Uma" Celia said rushing over to the crying girl "It's okay" she says trying to comfort her.

After Uma stopped crying she looked around "I ruined my hair" Uma laughed "I can fix it if you want, Dizzy taught me how to do hair" Celia smiles, Uma nodded her head and let Celia fix it.
"Wait seriously!?" Uma says looking at her new hair "This is perfect" she adds smiling "Glad you like it" Celia says going to a wall "Can I?" Celia asked referring to painting on the walls "Sure" Uma said still looking at her hair.

Dizzy hasn't talked much since Uma and Celia left, she just eats her food and goes back to the dorm. Evie noticed and decided it was time to talk to her "You miss her?" Evie asked "I miss both of them" Dizzy mumbled "They made their decision and that wasn't staying here" Evie told her "It's not their fault" Dizzy says "They didn't feel welcomed" she says louder "And we are sorry that none of you felt welcomed when you got here" Evie said sadly "And I'm sorry Ben ran them off" Mal added "You're the one who ran them off!!" Dizzy said raising her voice "Dizzy.." Evie tried to reason with the younger girl "No. You ran off my only real family because you couldn't keep it in your fucking pants" Dizzy yelled "We're your family" Evie said rubbing the girls arm "No you're not" Dizzy said shoving Evie's hand off her "Family doesn't leave each other for a better life and doesn't look back until they need something" Dizzy told them "Families don't lie to each other to get them ahead" She added looking at Mal "I'm sorry we left you guys but we never lied" Evie said "Some of you have" Dizzy told her getting up "I'm going to the boys dorm" She said packing her stuff up and leaving.

"Hey Dizzy" Carlos said as she entered their room, she didn't speak instead she went to sit down beside Harry "Whats wrong?" Gil asked stopping his game "You miss them?" Harry says putting his arm around her, she nods and starts silently crying into his chest "It's going to be okay" Harry told her, Gil sat on the other side of the girl as they all cuddled like they did on the Isle when something made one of them sad.

Celia starts organising the hideout "Why" Uma laughs "It's messy" Celia tells her still cleaning.
Celia finally finished cleaning after a few hours went by "How long are we staying here?" Celia asks "You don't have to stay" Uma says "So we're never going back? We can't just split up the family like that" The younger girl tells her "Harry and Gil aren't Auradon boys, only Dizzy. The boys will come back eventually" Uma says knowing the younger girl will be worried about Dizzy not coming back "Dizzy will probably stay with Evie" She adds "Okay" Celia says on the verge of tears "Come here" Uma stretches out her arms and Celia climbs into her arms and wraps her arms around Uma's waist hugging her tightly while Uma's arms are around the crying kid "It's going to be alright" Uma tells the girl rubbing her hands through her hair.

(Uma's new hair)

(Uma's new hair)

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