The K.I.S.S

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No One POV
"We're off to see the waterfall...the wonderful waterfall of OZ" The boys all sang together, Mal and Uma were talking behind everyone while they walked "Weird" Dizzy said looking back "What?" Evie asked "They never get along" Dizzy says "The only time they've gotten along is when they liked each other back on the Isle" Celia says "Don't say that" Evie says worried shes being replaced "Jealous?" Celia teases "Mal likes me not Uma, maybe they are just becoming better friends" Evie said trying to reason with her self "Friends with benefits" Celia teases again "Stop it" Dizzy says hitting her arm.
They get to the waterfall again but this time they brought swim suits "Whats the plan Mal, Uma and Jay" Celia asked "Why do y'all always assume we have a plan" Uma asks sitting beside Mal in the water "You three always have a plan" Gil told them "Fine we have a plan" Uma says "We don't know if Ben wants us dead or for us to leave or if he will leave us alone" Jay starts "So we have to be on our feet 24/7" Uma adds "He will most likely attack when we are distracted or mad at each other so everyone behave and don't argue with each other" Mal finishes "I guess that's a good plan" Harry says "Do you have a better one" Uma asks defensively "No no it's fine" Harry told her smiling his cheesy smile "I don't like you" Uma jokes "You know you do" Harry says getting up and hovered over her, he kissed her lips quickly so she wouldn't hit him "Nope I'm gay" Uma says wiping off her lips, everyone starts laughing at the two best friends "Gay for who though?" Celia asked looking at Mal "Oooh you like someone?" Carlos asked wanting to know who "No I don't" Uma says quickly "Sure you don't" Harry says winking, Uma splashes them all with water "Whore" Harry says getting up and running away from Uma. Mal and Evie go to the waterfall and Gil and Jay go play fight in the water "So who do you think Uma likes?" Carlos asks "Definitely Mal" Celia says "Evie said stop" Dizzy said sitting in Celia's lap "Why do you think Mal, she's with Evie" Carlos tells her "It's just weird how they were arguing a few days ago and right after we left them alone in the room they start becoming friends" Celia says looking at Mal and Evie talking under the waterfall "Well do you two like anyone?" Carlos asked "No" Dizzy says teasing the other girl "Oh funny" Celia says "I don't like anyone" Dizzy says "Your literally sitting on her lap" Carlos reminds them laughing "So? If you sit on Jay's lap does that mean you like each other" Dizzy says now teasing the boy "...No" Carlos says looking at Jay playing with Gil "Exactly" Dizzy says wrapping Celia's hands tighter around her waist.

They got back to the dorms and Celia, Uma and Dizzy decided to go outside "Where is Celia?" Uma asks "I don't know" Dizzy says "Dizzy!!" They heard Celia scream, they looked behind them and there she was with some boy who was obviously flirting with her "Yes?" Dizzy asked as she stopped in front of the boy and Celia "Kiss me" Celia whispers "What?" Dizzy asks confused "You owe me that kiss and I want it now" Celia demanded, Dizzy smiled at the boy "Right now? In front of everyone?" Dizzy asks "Dizzy just kiss me when I lean in" Celia whisper yelled "So like I was saying Jake this is my girlfriend" Celia said to the boy, Dizzy was confused but she played along "No it's not" Jake told the girls, Jake is a prince and at the moment is trying to get with Celia. Celia leans in to Dizzy and their lips meet, Uma is watching the whole thing shocked and confused on what's happening. They kiss for about 10 seconds "She's mine" Celia says pulling Dizzy closer to her by her waist "Fine, I didn't want you anyways" Jake said leaving "What was that about?" Uma asked smirking at the two girls "He was flirting with me and I said I was gay he said no so I told him Dizzy was my girl friend" Celia told them both "Your gay?" Uma asks "No I'm omnisexual" Celia said "What's that?" Dizzy asks "It's like pansexual but with a preference" Celia told her "So you used me" Dizzy says "And told people we are dating" she adds "I told him that to get him away" Celia tells her "I guess I'll let it slide but you used your only kiss" Dizzy told her smirking "I can kiss you whenever I want" Celia told the girl "No" the shorter girl said "Wanna bet?" Celia asked "Sure" Dizzy says thinking she's going to win, Celia pulls Dizzy closer to her by the waist again, puts her other hand on her face and kisses her "Wheres my money?" Celia asked, Dizzy's face was bright red "Let's go back to the dorms lovebirds" Uma said a little uncomfortable "So you and Mal?" Celia asked before they stepped into the dorms "What?!" Uma asked "You like her" Celia says "No I don't, who told you that" Uma asks "You definitely do, your nice to each other and the only time you two have ever been nice to each other was when y'all dated on the Isle" Celia told the taller girl "Shut up Celia" Uma said before walking in the dorm to stop the conversation.
"I kissed Celia" Dizzy blurted out to Evie who was doing her make up in the bathroom "What? When?" Evie asked "When we were outside with Uma, some boy was flirting with her and she kissed me twice" the younger girl said "Did you like it?" Evie asked "Duh" Dizzy said rethinking their kiss "Wait haven't you two kissed before?" Evie asks "Yes but we were a lot younger and didn't know what we were doing" Dizzy says "Are you going to tell her you like her" Evie asks finishing her make up and sitting in the bathroom counter "No, she will never like me back and I don't want to ruin our friendship" Dizzy told her "She kissed you twice Dizzy, I'm pretty sure she likes you and besides you can obviously tell she in love with you" Evie says smiling "In-in love?" Dizzy asks not really hearing the word love much "Yea, do you love her?" Evie asked "I don't know what love is" Dizzy told the older girl "I love you" Evie said, Dizzy smiles and hugged the girl "You don't get told that often do you?" Evie asks the small girl in her arms who shook her head 'no' "I'll tell you everyday" Evie promised "I love you too" Dizzy says crying a little.

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