No regrets

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"Good morning" Evie said to Mal "Hey beautiful" Mal said in a tired voice "Do we have class anymore?" Mal asks getting out the bed "I don't think so and even if we did would you go?" Evie asks "Probably not" Mal tells her, she kisses Evie on the lips and starts waking everyone up "Lets go" Mal says as she shakes everyone "What are we doing today?" Celia asks "We are pairing in groups and making plans for when Ben decided to attack" Evie tells her "Who's in what groups?" Dizzy asks hoping she's in Celia's or Evie's "Umm" Mal says looking for the paper "Dizzy your with Celia and Evie" Uma says reading off the paper in her hands "Mal it's just me and you" Uma says looking at the paper to see if she was reading it right "Why just us two?" Mal asks "Carlos wrote under it because we are stronger together" Uma says rolling her eyes "Can you two be alone without fighting" Celia asks jokingly, Mal and Uma look at each other "No" they both say at the same time "Well we're going to the library" Evie says getting the two younger girls off the couch "Have fun" Dizzy says closing the door. Uma rolls her eyes again "What is there to practise?" Mal asks "I don't fucking know" Uma says flopping on the couch and turning on the TV "What are we watching" Mal says defeated knowing there is nothing they can really practise. They have been sitting there for a hour doing nothing but watch TV "Would you rather, eat a rat or eat a frog?" Uma asks randomly "Ew definitely a frog" Mal said cringing at the thought of eating a rat "Ask me" Uma says trying to make conversation "Would you rather date Harry or Gil" Mal asks "Ew I don't like boys" Uma says fake gagging "I know but you have to choose" Mal tells her "Probably Harry" Uma says disgusted. They keep playing the game for a little bit "Let's ask questions we don't want to answer" Mal challenges "Okay what do you want to know" Uma say "Have you came out to your mom?" Mal asks the girl "No but she's seen me kiss girls before but she never talked to me about it because you know she's evil" Uma says laughing "Have you?" Uma asks "Yea shes of course not accepting though" Mal tells her "Did you miss me" Uma smirks "Not one bit" Mal jokes and the two girls start laughing, it's silent for a few seconds "Did you actually not miss me?" Uma said quietly "To be honest Uma...I did miss you" Mal tells the girl honestly "Why didn't you say bye when you left?" Uma asks a little sadly "If I would of said goodbye I wouldn't have gotten in that limo" Mal tells her, Uma sits there looking at her "Do you regret anything we did?" Mal asks "No. I don't" Uma says truthfully "And I never will" she adds. Mal smiles a little and leaning in closer to Uma and her eyes drift from Uma's lips to her eyes, Uma starts to lean in as well and their lips meet, Uma crawls on top of Mal while they kiss then Uma pulls away and looks in Mal's eyes "What about Evie" Uma asks "I'll think about it later" Mal says pulling Uma closer to her and starts kissing her again.😉.
Mal was thinking about what they just did and she honestly can say she didn't hate it but what about Evie they just got on good terms and will this effect anything with her relationship with Uma. Uma took a nap after they did it and just woke up "Hey" Uma says sitting up on her elbows "Hi" Mal says smiling down at the girl "Still don't regret anything we've ever done?" Mal asks shyly "Nope" Uma tells her "Good" Mal smiles "What about Evie?" Uma asks concerned about the purple haired girls relationship "I don't know, should I tell her?" Mal asks "What ever you think is right" Uma says sitting up all the way now "I don't think I'm going to tell her" Mal says coming to terms that she won't tell Evie "Okay" Uma agrees. Mal smiles at Uma. They stare comfortably at each other for a few minutes before Mal's phone goes off, she checks it then puts her hand on Uma's stomach "Go put a shirt on, their coming back" Mal tells her, Uma gets up and puts her shirt back on.
"Did y'all get alone?" Celia asks looking at the two girls "Yea" Mal says "What did y'all practice?" Dizzy asks "Nothing" Uma says sitting down to watch more TV. The three girls look at them with a 'are you serious' look "What? There is nothing we can practice without tearing something down" Mal says "Told you" Celia said jumping over the back of the couch and landing beside Uma.

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