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Mal's POV
I woke up, took a shower, brushed my teeth then got dressed. I'm not really hungry right now. Man we have to present that stupid assignment today and I think we have to present it together. I'll just have to deal with it for a few minutes and then I don't have to speak to her again if I don't want to.

I made it to class early so no one was there yet but Fairy Godmother. I waited there drawing and playing on my phone until Carlos and Jay arrived "Sup Mal" Jay said sitting in front of me "HI" Carlos said sitting beside Jay "You ready to present today?" Carlos asked me "With Evie no, by my self yes" I told him "Come on Mal Evie isn't that bad your just mad because shes dating Ben and you thought whatever you two had at the island was going to happen here even though you said act like nothing happened and that's what Evie's doing" Jay said "Yea okay I know I fucked up but I didn't think she would go cold on me and just start dating Ben once we stepped foot here" I told him. We kept talking about random things waiting for class to start "Bye babe" someone said behind me, I turned around and saw Evie kissing Ben "Bye" Evie said back heading to her seat. I rolled my eyes "She's nothing but a gold digger" I said out loud "What was that Mal" Evie said "You. are. a. gold. digger" I said again.
Evie set her things down on a table "Whats your problem Mal!!" Evie said raising her voice "My problem is I have to work on a project with a self centered bitch who is also a gold digger. lucky me right?" I said sarcastically standing up so we were face-to-face "Mal" Jay said "Chill out"
"If she wants to say something she can, go ahead I'm right here" I said to Evie "Stop being so stuck up, Shouldn't you be happy for me if im happy shouldn't you be the one helping me when I'm sad and not the one making me sad. Your my family like it or not, we have been through the unthinkable together with our parents hating us and them abusing us and when you said to act like nothing happened on the Island did you not think that hurt me as much as it hurt you and I'm covering my pain up and trying my best to get over you when it's really hard to because Mal it's really fucking hard to get over someone you love for so long" Evie said crying "Evie" I said calmer now "I never thought about it like that" I said stepping closer to her "Please don't cry" I said wiping her tears "I miss you Mal, and I can't just live with you hating me because I- I love you" Evie said "I miss you too Evie, and I love you so much, that's why I couldn't get over the fact that you like Ben. But what ever makes you happy, I don't care if it's Ben I want you to be happy" I told her. Evie stepped closer our faces now inches apart, I leaned in and kissed her, she kissed back "Evie you left your penci-" Ben said but didn't finish his sentence. Evie turned around "Ben" she said softly "What the hell" Ben said walking in the class "What are you gay or something?!" Ben said loudly "You cheat on me with this purple haired freak that makes you cry?!" he added "Don't call her a freak" Evie said defending me "That's what she is- that's what you are" Ben said to Evie "Your a freak just like her" Evie started to look down which she does when she gets nervous or scared "Call her a freak again and it's the last thing you will ever do" I told Ben stepping in front of Evie "What are you going to do?" Ben said cockily. He might have height on me but I can beat his ass if I wanted to "Say it again and find out" I told him
"Hello class and Prince Ben" Fairy Godmother said happily, I'm still looking at Ben and he's looking at me "Freaks" Ben said "Mal no" Jay and Carlos said, I punched him in his face "No!!" Fair Godmother yelled "Help!!" she yelled. Ben was about to hit me back when Carlos stepped in front of me and took the hit "Carlos" I said "Are you oka-" I was interrupted by a loud slam on the table "Don't fucking hit him" Jay said pinning down Ben and hitting him repeatedly in the face "Jay, your going to hurt him. Stop" Evie said trying to pull him off of Ben which was never going to work since Jay is alot stronger then her "Stop" I told Evie getting her out the way, Carlos and I tried to get him off but we couldn't, he was still punching him, Ben's face was bleeding now and he looked unconscious. 3 security guards came into the room and tried to get Jay off but they couldn't, they tased him "GET OFF HIM" I yelled and hit the security guards to stop tasing him. I was getting angry and so was Carlos and Evie we all started to hit the guards trying to get them off of Jay, I could feel my eyes turning green. I took a deep breath in "GET OFF" I yelled, I couldn't control my body anymore, my body turned bright purple "Matar Guardias" I yelled and all the guards dropped on the ground choking with their hands on their throats gasping for air "Jay are you okay?" Carlos asked going to him "Yea I am" Jay told the boy concerned for his best friend "What was that" Evie asked "I don't know" I said honestly "I didn't know you could do that" Carlos said "I didn't either" I told him "Can your mom do that?" Jay asked "I don't know but I need to know what happened and why I can't control it" I said "Bippity Boppity B-" Fairy Godmother was about to freeze us "Boo" I said and froze her instead "Didn't your mom do that?" Jay asked "Yea, she told me to use it if Fairy Godmother ever says that" I told them "Speaking of my mother, I need to know whats going on with this light up shit" I said and we all started to walk out the class room "Wait what about Ben" Carlos asked "Leave him with Fairy Godmother they will be fine...maybe" I said "Maybe?" Evie said "I don't know what that spell does other then freezes Fairy Godmother, my mother gave it to me so it might do more but lets hope not" I said and we went to m Evie and I's dorm.

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