I'm sorry

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No Ones POV
It's been two days since Celia's birthday and the whole Ben thing. Evie still hasn't spoken to Mal, Uma now sleeps in the boys room so Mal can have her bed back and so it's not as awkward. Celia is learning how to use her new powers and seeing what she can do with them.

"Stop it, you going to burn down the place" Dizzy warns "Calm down I know what I'm doing" Celia told her, she's trying to blow fire out her mouth again but without turning into a dragon "I did it when I yawned this morning" Celia complained "Well don't do it again" Dizzy told her "Look what I learned" Celia said going to the middle of the room and stretching out her arm, she took a deep breath and magic came out her hand like Mal "Celia!!" Mal complained almost getting hit with it when she opened the door "Sorry" Celia said laughing "Stop using your powers, we don't know if it's permanent or not and it could hurt you, you tiny body isn't made for this" Mal told her "If it's not permanent then I should be able to have fun with this new magic stuff" Celia told her while she flopped down on the couch "You're going to hurt someone" Mal told the younger girl "Like you hurt Ev-" She was interrupted by Dizzy's hand on her mouth "No" Dizzy said looking at Evie who was still looking down at her phone. Mal sighed "Go to the boys dorm" She told them wanting to be alone with Evie "Fine" Celia said leaving the room with Dizzy.

"Hey" Mal said, Evie didn't even look up at her "Evie...I'm sorry. I didn't want you to find out that way" she added "No you didn't want me to find out at all!!" Evie spoke for the first time to the girl "We were bored and drunk. It just happened" Mal lied "Drunk actions are just sober thoughts" Evie told the girl "Evie, I like you. I really do and I don't know why we did what we did but it was a huge mistake" Mal said. Evie finally looked up from her phone and looked Mal in the eyes. Mal has had a great experience with lying because she had to lie to her mother all the time so lying to Evie shouldn't be as hard. "...I believe you" Evie said slowly, Mal smiled "But it won't happen again...right?" Evie asked "No it won't, I promise" Mal told her "Okay" Evie smiled.

"Sup bitches" Mal said as her and Evie walked into the room "Someone's happy" Gil said "I have my girlfriend back what do you expect?" Mal said. Uma looked at Mal quickly and so did everyone else "You forgave her?!" Harry said "Yea" Evie said "Well who wants ice cream. There is this new place near here" Mal said "It's shaved ice not ice cream" Carlos said "But let's go" he added walking out the door with the rest of them, Uma stopped Evie.
"Yes?" Evie asked "Can we talk real quick?" Uma asked "Sure" Evie said sitting down on one of the beds "So you and Mal are good?" Uma asked confused "Yes, she told me you two were extremely drunk and that it was a mistake and it won't happen again" Evie told the now even more confused girl "Yea...you know getting too drunk is bad when your alone with someone for hours" Uma said "Ready to go?" Evie asked her "Yea let's go" Uma responded opening the door for her.

"Best ice cream ever!!" Dizzy said with a mouth full "It's not shaved- never mind" Carlos said smiling at the happy girl. Dizzy put some shaved ice on her spoon and put it in front of Celia's face "Here try" Dizzy offered, Celia took a bite "It's good" Celia smiled. Dizzy hasn't had Ice cream before so she loves every moment of it which made everyone else happy.
Uma was thinking about what Evie said 'You two were extremely drunk and it was a mistake' that same sentence kept playing in her head. Uma knew neither one of them were close to drunk and that Mal said it wasn't a mistake and she didn't regret anything.

"Why did you tell her that?" Uma said dragging Mal away from the group "Tell who what?" Mal asked acting dumb "You know we weren't drunk and you said you didn't regret anything we did that day" Uma said "Did you tell Evie that?" Mal asked worried "No...I covered up your lie" Uma told her rolling her eyes "...Why?" Mal asked not knowing why she would lie for her "Because Mal...I love you and I want you to be happy even if that's not with me. I don't want to hurt Evie anymore then she already was because you decided to lie even more" Uma confessed "Y-you love me?" Mal asked "No I said that for no reason" Uma said sarcastically, Mal gave her a serious look "Fine, I do and always have but you never returned the feelings so if lying is what makes you happy then I guess I'm going to lie for you" Uma told the girl "Uma, I'm sorry I put you in that position. But what we did can't happen again" Mal said "You know what Mal!? I'm tired of being used by you every time you feel like you need someone!! I don't want anything to do with you anymore. Just leave me alone for good" Uma said going back to the dorms.

"Where are you going?" Celia asked Uma who was almost finished packing her stuff in her backpack "Back to the Isle" she told her, it was silent for a few moments "I'm coming too then" Celia told her "I don't have much to pack so it shouldn't take long" she added "You don't have to leave for me besides you have Dizzy here" Uma told the girl "I want to go if you go. Dizzy can come if she wants" Celia said "You know Dizzy loves it here, she's not going to want to leave" Uma told the girl "Then I guess I'm going without her" Celia said "Give me a few minutes" she said running out the door to go pack her stuff.

"I'm ready" Celia said with her red backpack on "Are you sure?" Uma asked, Celia modded her head. Right before they were about to walk out the dorm the group came back "Where are you going?" Dizzy and Harry asked at the same time "Back to the Isle, you have 5 minutes if you want to come with" Uma told them "What? Why are you leaving?" Dizzy asked sadly "I don't belong here" Uma said "I go where she goes" Celia adds "What about me" Dizzy says with tears in her eyes "I know you want to stay here with Evie and you belong here...but we don't" Celia told her "Is anyone else coming? If not we're leaving" Uma said impatiently "You can't leave" Mal spoke up "You can't tell me what to do" Uma snapped back "Uma-" Mal was cut off "I don't want to talk to you" Uma told her "Let's go" Celia said pulling Uma out the room. Dizzy was now crying in Evie's arms.

"How are we getting back?" Celia asked "Same way we came" Uma told the younger girl.


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