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I was quick to find out that time in here went on forever. With nothing to do but stare at a wall, boredom was quickly eating me alive. I had hoped that I'd be able to talk to Vic again just so I had some company and wouldn't be so afraid all the time. If I were back home, then I would have gone to church today, then maybe hung out with my friends in the afternoon before going home and having a nice family meal. I felt incredibly homesick. I wondered what they were doing. I never left the house without telling my parents so they'd surely be worried sick. I knew they'd be looking for me and have the police involved. I just hoped they knew the right place to look.

I rested my head against the cool brick wall. My eyes were drooping and I wished that I could just shut my brain off and sleep, but I had enough will power to stay awake. I had to. I had been focusing on my plan to escape all day. Mostly I was trying to work up the courage. I'd have to climb up the chute which would be difficult seeing as gym was never my strong point. I had to be quiet about it too.

After that, I didn't know what I'd do. I have no idea what's waiting for me up there. I assume it's a house, maybe. I guess the first thing I'd do is try and set Vic free, but I know my first priority is getting out of here. I can run until I find someone with a phone and call the police who would go back for Vic. It was extremely risky to try and escape and might even get me killed if I get caught, but I had to try, right?

The man tried to feed me again, but I wouldn't eat anything. My stomach was growling all night, but I ignored it. After that I waited for a long time. I heard nothing from Vic or the man upstairs. It was late into the night now and I knew this would be my chance. I got up and went over to the chute. I looked back at the camera. It was still faced on the bed where I had been sitting. He wasn't watching. As slowly and quietly as I could, I pulled open the door of the chute.

I tried to steady my breathing. My heart was racing a million miles an hour. Okay, I can do this. I poked my head into the chute and looked up. I couldn't see anything. I carefully climbed inside. Now all I have to do is find some body strength somewhere and climb up. I put one foot against the side and pushed myself up with my arms. All was going well, that was until the door at the top opened. It startled me so much that I released the pressure on the sides and dropped back down.

"Bad, bad boy," and unfamiliar voice said from above. It gave me chills.

I looked up, desperate to see the person, but I didn't see him. The second I looked down, deciding that I had to leave, I felt something drop on me. Scolding hot liquid covered my arms and body. I screamed out in excruciating pain.

I scampered out of there as the boiling water kept coming.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I cried over and over again. It was an unbearable stinging agony. I ran over to the shower and turned the cold water on. I sat under it, gasping in pain and letting the coolness soothe my skin.

"Kellin?!" Vic's voice said in alarm.

My eyes shot up and I saw him here in my room. My confusion was over-run by the whole situation. Although the pain had lessened considerably under the cold water I was still in shock over it. I said there panting heavily as Vic appeared in front of me.

"What happened?" he asked quickly, reaching out to me. My first reaction was to recoil, but I didn't want to leave the cold water.

"I-I was climbing up the chute and he poured boiling water on me," I said and looked down at my arms. They were glowing a bright red.

"Is it feeling better?" he asked in concerned.

I wasn't sure. Adrenaline was still pumping through my veins. The boiling water hit my arms, chest and stomach. Miraculously my face was untouched. I tenderly took my shirt off and threw it to the side. I sighed in relief once it was gone and the cold water got to it easier.

A Lunatic's LamentWhere stories live. Discover now