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The thought of a shower practically had me salivating. I was in a disgusting state to be honest. I thought that Vic was going to send me back to the basement again, but instead he led me through the hallway to another set of stairs that led to the upper floor.

"Why aren't you taking me back?" I asked in a panic. He stopped, let go of my arm and turned to me.

"Because you know the truth now and Rick isn't a danger anymore. You can live up here with me," he said. I shook my head quickly.

"No, I want to stay down in my room," I told him.

I 100% wasn't okay with Vic keeping me here, but the reality was that he was keeping me here. I couldn't change that, at least not yet. I had to figure something out. But in the mean time I was stuck here and I didn't want to be living up here with him. I wanted to be by myself. I didn't want to be anywhere near him.

"Don't be ridiculous. We're going to be a family, me and you," he said.

He grabbed my arm again and I pulled back, but he just held me tighter and kept pulling me upstairs. I just couldn't believe this. Now I was being forced to be a "happy" family with him. I was terrified. What would he make me do with him? It was best to do what he says though. I saw what he did to Rick. He was his family and he disposed of him so quickly. I couldn't risk making him angry right now. It would be so easy for him to just kill me and go find another boy.

So, I walked with him up the stairs. Photographs littered the walls; all of them included Dylan. They all looked so happy together, and mostly, normal. That was the scary part about it. They seemed so normal and now this is what has happened. We got upstairs and went through another hallway. To my left there were two doors, same with my right. Straight ahead was a door right down the end of the hall. Vic took me to one on the left. He opened the door and inside was a bedroom. It was light and open. The walls were a light, beige color. The floor was carpeted and white. There was a bed situated against the wall in the middle of the room. The bed had clean, white sheets on it. Bedside tables were on each side. On one side there was a lamp, on the other was an empty photo frame. A thought suddenly crossed my mind.

"Is this where you killed Dylan?" I asked. He stopped, looking at me with a steely gaze. To my relief though he slowly shook his head. No. Good. I couldn't stay somewhere that someone was murdered.

"Through here," he said and took me to an adjoining door.

We were in a bathroom now. It was a different bathroom to the one Rick had taken me in. This one had a little color to it. The walls were a light green and the towels hanging on the towel rack were light blue. There was a tub with a shower. I was more interested in the mirror in here. I wondered if I could smash it and use the glass as a weapon.

"Well, take your clothes off then," Vic said. I looked at him in disbelief.

"I can shower by myself," I said. Vic smiled and shook his head.

"No, you can't. Unfortunately I don't quite trust you to be alone," he explained.

"W-Well then lock me in the basement to shower and then let me out when I'm done," I suggested. I was starting to panic. I couldn't be exposed around him; not now that I know what his true intentions are.

"Kellin, take your clothes off," he said firmly while giving a stern glare.

He really did scare me now. It was such a huge change to when I used to find comfort in him. I couldn't get used to this. Again, I had to do what he says or he could really hurt me, so with much reluctance I slowly took the stained clothing off. Vic smiled in approval and turned to turn the shower on. I was shaking and felt like I was going to break down being naked next to him. It was humiliating. Steam surrounded us in the room. Vic held his hand under the water to test the warmth. He then looked back at me, still smiling.

A Lunatic's LamentWhere stories live. Discover now