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I didn't sleep at all although I was sure it was probably night time, who knows? I was stuck in the room for hours on end. Time confused me because I didn't know how long I had been out for when I was drugged. It turns out it wasn't that long though because eventually I noticed a ray of natural light coming from a small window near the top corner of the room near the shower meaning that I had only been in here for the one night.

How had I missed that window before? I guess in the darkness of night I simply didn't see it, but now that the sun was out I could see it clearly. It was now morning and there was a window. I scattered up from my spot on the ground.

My muscles were aching from not moving for so long. I went over to the far wall and looked up. The window was situated near the ceiling, and me being short I couldn't see through it. I jumped but that did very little. I looked around the room, my eyes landing on the mattress. I grabbed it and pulled it over to the corner. With the help of the springs I managed to jump high enough to glance out window. All I could see was shrubs.

"Damn it," I whispered to myself.

I wanted to at least get an idea of where I was but this gave me nothing. I jumped up and hit the glass as hard as I could, but it didn't break. I didn't expect it to either. I highly doubt my kidnapper was stupid enough to leave me in here with glass that's easy to break. After hitting it a few more times I gave up and pushed the mattress back to its place. I flopped back down on it and closed my eyes.

I desperately didn't want to sleep. I was scared as hell and wanted to stay as alert as possible. This man could kill me at any second and I wanted to be ready to fight. A few moments later I heard light banging in the chute which snapped me out of my little rest.

I sat up, went over to the chute and opened it just in time to see a plate full of food get lowered in front of me. There was a note next to it simply saying "eat, please." I got angered quickly. This freak locks me up and then tries to be nice and polite? What the fuck is he playing at? I picked the plate up and looked down at the breakfast. What should have been tempting just made me sick.

"I don't want your food!" I screamed and threw the plate as hard as I could across the room. It smashed on impact and fell to the floor in a dozen pieces.

"Let me out of here!" I screamed and hit the hard wall with the palm of my hand, "Do you hear me you sick freak?! Let me out!"

I was breathing heavily in my anger. Most of all I was getting frustrated that I wasn't getting some sort of a response from this man.

"They'll come looking for me! My friends and family will find me and you'll go to jail! You'll rot and die there!" I shouted. Once again I was greeted with nothing but silence.

"Let me go! Please!" I pleaded, although I didn't know who I was begging to.

In a way I was pleading for the man to let me go, but also I was very religious at heart and was begging a greater power to have mercy on me. I never did anything wrong so why am I being punished? Once again I heard sounds coming from the chute. It was already open so I rushed over and found some clothes that the man had dropped. It was a simple white shirt and white shorts, plus a towel. I couldn't stand all white. It reminded me of insane asylums or hospitals. There was a note with them.

"Have a shower and put these on or else," I read the note out loud I wanted to tell him to go and fuck himself but I wasn't stupid. I knew the threat was real. This man was dangerous.

If what Vic's telling me is right then there have been about 30 other boys here before and for all I know this man could have killed them for not obeying him. The smart this to do would be do as he says, and so I went over to the shower and turned it on.

A Lunatic's LamentWhere stories live. Discover now