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Adrenaline was coursing through my veins. I could feel my heart thrashing against my chest. I could hear my heavy, shaky breaths as I tried to calm myself down and think of a plan. Vic screamed my name from the door again and it startled me so much that I took a step back and tripped over something I felt onto my back and held back the groan of pain so Vic wouldn't hear me.

I looked at what I tripped over. It was a gasoline can. I picked it up to find it was full. My mind worked quickly to formulate a plan. I knew there were matches in one of the top cupboards in the kitchen. Was I really willing to go back in there though? I heard the creaking of the hardwood floors. I crawled over to the corner and peaked around it. Vic was going back inside. He said he would find me in his car, meaning that he was going to get the car keys. He kept them in a safe upstairs where I couldn't get to them.

I held the gas can firmly in my hand and crept around to the front of the house. I looked through the window. Vic was slowly making his way up the stairs. He was using the banister for support and his other arm was across his stomach. He was stumbling and not moving fast at all. I knew that I had to do something now while he's upstairs and I had to be quick. I ran back to the front door and as quietly as I could went inside.

I snuck into the kitchen and was quick to find the matches hidden away at the back of one of the cupboards. I went back to the hall and hid behind a wall. I peeked around the side and saw he made it to the top of the stairs and was going down the hall. I waited for a few more seconds when I knew he'd be going to the spare room where the safe was. It might have been easier for me to find a knife and attack him while he's weak, but this was Vic I was talking about. He could dig deep and find the strength to overpower me and kill me himself.

I had to do this from a distance. I quietly walked to the staircase and emptied the gasoline on the steps, banister and walls. When I got to the top I splashed some over the hallway. I was so scared he would catch me in the act. I heard him close the safe and the jingling of keys. I gasped and stepped back down the stairs to safety. Time was running out, so I took out a match, lit it, and threw it on the stairs. They went up in flames instantaneously.

"Kellin! What are you doing?" Vic shouted and a moment later he appeared at the top.

"I'm giving you what you deserve!" I screamed up at him. I threw more gasoline on the flames, making it worse. Vic's eyes were wide. I knew he was scared. Finally, he was the one that scared and I was the one who had the power

"Put the fire out, Kellin! You don't want to do this! You aren't a murderer!" he yelled.

"I know I'm not, but you turned me into this! You have to be stopped!" I shouted.

He did have to be stopped, so I didn't stop with just a fire on the stairs. With the gasoline I spread the fire through the kitchen, dining room, living room, everywhere downstairs. Vic was screaming for me to stop, but I wouldn't. I was acting out of desperation. I did realize I would kill him, but right now that was what needed to be done. Lastly I splashed gas on the walls of the hall and left through the front door. I coughed to get the smoke out of my lungs. The entire bottom floor was set ablaze. I couldn't believe I had it in me to do that. I stepped back away from the house and watched it in wonder.

"Kellin! I loved you, Kellin!" I heard his distant screams of anguish.

My heart leapt into my throat, because I knew that he loved me. I knew he was mentally ill and couldn't comprehend right from wrong. He was messed up and he just needed help, and I wish that he got it.

"Help me! Kellin please help me! I love you, Kellin! Kellin!" the desperate shouts never stopped.

I couldn't help but cry. I was crying for him. I was crying because I believed he could be redeemed, but it wasn't an option. This was my last resort. It was either he die, or I die. I couldn't stand here and listen to his screams anymore, so I ran. I ran in the opposite direction that I ran the one day I had escaped. I was running to the woods finally feeling free. There would be no one after me. Sure, I might be stuck wandering through the woods for days, but at least I wasn't in there.

A Lunatic's LamentWhere stories live. Discover now