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I woke up with the hope that everything that happened would turn out to be a messed up nightmare. When I realized that I was still here, I just stared up at the ceiling contemplating the situation. Everything felt so surreal. I really felt like I was in a dream or a movie. Nothing felt real, but at the same time this was the most real situation I had ever been in. I knew I was screwed but I still had hope that the police would find me. I've only been gone for a day and a half. They probably only just started searching for me. They'll get tracker dogs or something like that and I'll be found in no time. Everything will be okay.

"Everything will be okay," I whispered to myself convincingly.

I had to have hope or else I'll have nothing. I sighed and rolled onto my side. When I did my eyes fell upon the opening in the wall that Vic and I used to communicate. The metal slate that cut us off from each other was gone. My curiosity got the better of me and I got out of bed, crawling over to it. I looked inside. The sunlight from the small window near the roof was the only thing illuminating the room.

From what I could see, Vic's room was identical to mine. He had the chute, the shower, toilet, stairs and mattress. He was currently laying down on his back, fast asleep. I wondered how long the metal had been gone for. Does this mean that the man wants us to talk to each other? I decided not to bother Vic by waking him. Instead I went back to my bed and sat down, waiting for something to happen.

I wondered how Vic hadn't gone crazy thinking about why he's here, because I haven't even been here for that long and I feel myself slipping into insanity as I hopelessly tried to come up with theories. Nothing was making sense. Whatever this man wants with us, I just want him to get it over with quickly. I needed to know why he needed me specifically and why the other boys weren't good enough.

A loud chiming sound rang out through my room. The dinging continued for another 10 seconds before stopping. I looked around urgently wondering what was going on, then I heard the scraping sound of something being lowered in the chute. I got up quickly and went over to it. I opened the door, finding breakfast. I rolled my eyes and slammed the thing shut.

"I don't want your fucking food!" I screamed loudly and in anger. My voice echoed around the room before a deafening silence fell.

"You should eat," Vic's voice came from the other room. I guess the chiming woke him up. Looking down at the opening I saw he wasn't there.

"I don't want to do what this man wants me to," I said.

"I know, and I was the same at the start. But if you're kept here for a while like I have been, then you'll have to eat anyway. Come eat with me," he said. A moment later I saw his tray of food on the ground near the opening. Maybe he was right. I would have to give in sooner or later, and the bacon and eggs smelt really good.

"Okay, fine," I said. I opened the small door back up, retrieved the food and sat with Vic.

"How long has this been open for?" he asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know. I just woke up a little before the alarm, or whatever that was, woke you up. This was already open," I said. I couldn't see his face while we were sitting up eating, but it was still nice just knowing that someone was there.

"Did anything happen in there during the night?" he asked.

"No, I was just sleeping. Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. He tends to be communicating with you more than he communicates with me, so I thought he might have tried talking to you again," he explained.

"Oh, well he didn't. Did anything happen over there?" I asked.

"Nope," he said.

He sounded a little bitter. I guess it must suck when your kidnapper doesn't talk to you for an entire year, but then he speaks to the new guy. I had a feeling he had desperately been waiting for something to happen but then it just doesn't. Maybe it's a sense of jealousy. I know it's stupid to be jealous of someone else who's kidnapped, but he's been here for a long time so I guess this is the only life that he knows now.

A Lunatic's LamentWhere stories live. Discover now