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A young man in a drug store asks the pharmacist for condoms. The pharmacist explained the product and asked, "They come in packets of three, six and twelve. How many you think you would need?"

"Well" explains the young man, "I have known this wonderful girl for seven months now. Tonight I am meeting her parents for the first time, and then we are off to an all-night party. So I think tonight is the night I will get in her. And, once she gets it, I know she will want more. Better give me a dozen!" Having made his purchase, the fellow drives home, dresses for dinner and arrives at his girlfriend's house.

At dinner, he is asked to offer the blessing. He prays, and prays, and prays, and prays and not taking his head up. Finally, his girlfriend leans over and says; "You never told me you were so religious!"

He answered her; "You never told me that your father was a pharmacist!"

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