chapter 8: mitch. 2/3

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i pressed my hear against the door i only hear ed the noise of the t.v

i took a deep breath and opened it. it seem slow mo.

'MITCH!' katlyn yelled happily running to me so as ian.

but my thoughts were focused on what just happen. was she going to lie i didnt even know what was going on. did he mean it like 'friends' or more than that?

i dont even turst ian anymore with katlyn.

i pulled her into her room.

'katlyn was going on in there?' i ask. she starts crying. 'mitch im sorry b-but...'

did she cheat.....?

'im sorry b-but me a-and i-ian we just......' *sob*

she did... but i also cant blame her... if i was in a coma for about two months i would be depressed but i wouldnt cheat.

i walk to ian. 'dood i know you made out with katlyn but its fine.' i say no need to fight back.

if he does it again he wont have a arm orand mouth.

so i spend time with katlyn and it couldnt be better.


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