chapter 20 2/2 : hey team crafted girl!

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i really didnt want to leave.

i reallllly dont. i felt tear falling out of my eyes like rainfall. i saw the boy the same.

'GROUP HUG' adam yells and we all run to each other. i knew half of the airport was looking at us. but i didnt care. i felt everyones arms hug me as thightly as can be.

but i felt somebodys hand hold mine. i didnt ask who because then it would make it akward. it thighten then let go. i never wanted to know who it was. but i sure felt it. we all back away....slowly.

i knew i had little time. but i never wanted to say goodbye.

'goodbye.' i say

i know i will miss them all so much.

'hey for now' adam says

i nodd a turn back from them i start walking to the gate

'HEY TEAM CRAFTED GIRL!' someone yells

i look back to see all the boys waving goodbye - well for now.

i wave back at them. i feel the tears flowing down my cheaks.

i mean when you think of it... do you have a best friend and you know them told them everything...secrets,storys and past friendships and one day you move. and had to say gooodbye to the one you love. would you be crying? well thats what i feel like.

i slightly laugh at the nick name the gave me. 'team crafted girl huh?' i say under my breath.

i stand at the gate inside the plane where the door was. i turn and face the boys there walking away but they all turn back to see my face. i see all there faces until the door closes shut slowly seeing all the faces fade away behind the door

'may you sit mrs.?' the lady asks

i nodd and walk toward the window seat. i silp into the seat. i pull out the laptop i had and pull into my lap. i place the bag up into the cubbe thingly.

i turn the computer on and typed my password in. my back round is team crafted in minecraft from when they posted the 'team crafted video' they were all on top of each other

i sigh and pull out my photos. i see at selfes of me..when one pictues runs around. it was my frist pictues of me and mitch when we frist met. we were with jerome and adam at the mall when i met mitch there.

i cry in slince for a while. staring out my window. i felt the plane raise up and fly into the air. i saw how beautiful los angles really was. i saw how mitch and team crafted where down there riding home to pack for more things all separting to differnet parts of the us.

i felt the thoughts stop and slowly close my eyes and take a deep breath to remeber there faces

'well.....' i say

i take off the light bluse jacket i had and took out a sharpe and started writing in bubble letters

'well thats good enough' i say to myself

i layed it on me so the words were facing me so i could read it

'team crafteds girl' i say

and that exactly what it said.

team crafteds girl

the end. for now. :3


ello! im done writing 'my brothers best friend!' thank you all for the support and for everything!

im crying right now. im going to make 'the never forever' in one day! im really sad because i love this book so much and i will not be writing in it anymore i hope you guys read the sequel  'the never forever' please dont you want to know what happens to katlyn? well anyways....

one last time

with all my <3


i love you guys so sos so so so so so over 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000%

bye guys!

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