Pt. 2

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The sensation of our kiss still lingers on my lips that I'm constantly running my fingers along it. Last night we snuggled endlessly. I awaken to the sound of slicing, it's soft but fast. The space next to me was empty, that's weird. A knock on the door quickly made me fix my crazy bed hair.


"It's Mara, madam. I've brought breakfast for you." She said from the other side of the doors. I granted her permission to come in and in she came.

I almost drooled when she put all these kinds of food around me. "It looks delicious, Mara." I told her as I begin to pick on whatever catched my taste buds. While I ate, she scuffled around the closet in search for a casual clothing for me to wear.

"How about this one?"

It was a white button down ruffled blouse that had a black ribbon around the neck. "Yeah! I like that one. Oooh and that skirt too." I pointed to the hot pink floor length skirt on the side of the dresser.

Mara nodded and placed it in order before coming to clean up the bed. At this point other maids came in to help and re-estock. "Do you happen to know where my husband is?" I yawned and stretched my joints.

"He went to visit his parents this morning, I believe he is having his fencing session right now."

Another maid came in, but this one was dressed differently than my personal maid. "Master Denver has informed me to fetch you, madam Roselle." She bowed slightly.

"Wait, what time is it?"

"Nearly over noon, madam."

"Ayy!" I dose off the bed and over to the dresser. Oversleeping on the first day, oh lord, even more embarrassing for my husband's maid to fetch me.

Mara assisted me on my dressing which was really nice, she put my hair in a messy yet elegant updo and sent me on my way.

Before I exited to the garden, I had a full view of Denver fencing with someone else. I watch as he and his opponent face each other to then take position. To me it was like slow motion as Denver thrusted his sword as his opponent missed him by a lot.

I walked out, holding my skirt up. Denver looks at me and immediately becomes joyful. "Lovely flower, did you have a have a nice rest?" He gave his sword to the butler then swept me off my feet. I chuckled, sharing a kiss in the process. "Why did you let me sleep in, darling?"

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb you."

"That's very nice of you but don't let it happen again. I cannot sleep in like this."

"Alright," we shared another quick kiss and he put me down. I smile to the handsome man Denver was fencing with. Cute blue eyes, tall,  good hair, a perfect prince. "My friend, who is this beautiful gem?"

My eyes widen to how deep and smooth his tone of voice is.  "I'm sorry, this is lady Roselle, my lovely bride. Roselle, this is my best friend."

"Maxwell Wilson at your service m' lady," he gently kissed my hand. I could feel a little tension on how Denver looked at him.  "Charmed. So, you men like the art of fencing? I like archery." I broke the tension.

Denver lit up, "maybe I can teach you a few things. I'm very good at it."

"Really? I might as well give it a go."

I took the fencing sword in hand and faced Maxwell then walked to Denver.
He told me a few pointers like how to stand and thrust properly, including him holding me from the back which made me blush madly.

We thrust at the same time and I screamed as Max tagged me.  "Fencing is not for me. My love, my friend is coming over to study. Can I have her?"

He nodded between the words he shared with Maxwell.  I'll take that as a yes.

My best friend Finley is the same age as me, kind, funny, 3 levels perverted than me.  I was raised with manners so I sometimes don't get her sexy riddles. 

"Bill of rights, first amendment is...?"

"Fff...reedom of speech, freedom of the press, and religion?" I responded, contorting my face.  "That's right! We're gonna pass this, Ro." Finley closed her booklet and closed mine too. 

I stared at Denver from our little umbrella stand where we studied, he was still with Maxwell.  He noticed me staring, winking as a response.  "You'll never guess what I let Landon do to me. Fargo asked me about you."

"Haha Stop it, I'm a married woman, now."

"Oh my gosh, Roselle you didn't tell me how your first night was."

My cheeks flushed in memory of our kiss.  "Nothing happened, we just cuddled..." I bit my bottom lip, making Finley scooch closer.  "We shared our first kiss alright?-"


"It was slow. Sweet. A little bit of a tongue situation."

Finley screeched very loud and made both Denver and Maxwell turn their heads.  Mara rushed out,  "you hollered?"

"Sorry, it was my crazy friend. Ignore her ,please." I nod to her then she left.  "Everything alright, ladies?"

Now Denver showed up next to our pillow fort,  "nothing. I just remember I have to go, it's supper time. Thank you for letting me stay, Denver. Bye Ro." She put on her cloak then went out the back gate.

I noticed Maxwell has left too. Denver sat down beside me, crossing his legs, picking up my study booklet. 

"Pffs, westward expansion? Missouri compromise mmh, this is...really...yeah." He set it aside.  I put my arm around him as he laid his back agaist me. I had my chin on top of his head.  "I know you hate history. But I must graduate."

"You're studying American history. Do you how much tension we have with America?"

I shrugged.  "Do you want to go to America?" He asked.

" would be nice. But what if the ship sinks with us on board?" I said that as a joke and Denver absolutely thought about it for a minute before catching the joke.  "My fears are coming true hehehe. You're my preferred pillow." He turned over so he was lying on me, his head rested on my neckbone in which he kissed a couple times.

It felt good.  "Ready when you are."

I look at him, "ready for what?" He said nothing else anymore. Finley invaded my mind, men are always ready for it.

A finger poked the side of my head, I awake, knowing my head was buried in Denver's neck.  "Rosel--I mean, madam Roselle?" I rub my eyes and look up, it was Ivy, Denver's maid.

A letter was on her hand.  "What?" I whisper back to her, careful not to wake my husband.  Even though his legs are hanging off the pillows, his whole upper body is on me. He's curved like a sleeping cat.

The letter is for him.  "Do you mind if I open it?"

"It's not my call, madam."

"Just call me Roselle," I told her and ripped the letter open. It's from Denver's parents.  I shouldn't read this, I should just wake him up.

I have no idea why we fell asleep in this heat. I run my hand down his moist face to he could wake up.  His eyes fluttered open then he rolled over so he could lay on my lap. 

"Are you comfortable?" I asked, annoyed that he's using me as a big pillow.  "Oh, I'm sorry. It's hot." He said half jokingly.

He runs his hand through his hair, then loosened his necktie. Now I notice he's blushing and his cute little freckles are really visible.  "Quiet, it's all the heat." He takes the letter I was fanning him with and reads it.

"Wh-What? No!" He immediately gets up and fixes his look.  My worries skyrocketed,  "what's wrong?"

"My parents passed away." He said and just took off. I sat on my pillows, debabting on whether to go with or stay.  I eventually decided to go.

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