Pt. 18

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My blood boiled hot. Maxwell's face is telling me to step off, BUT I'M NOT.

"Who is the girl, Max?" I repeat louder. "How do you know about her?" I raise my arms in disbelief and slap them on my hips, "I don't know! Denver mentioned her to me by accident. Quit avoiding the question. Who is Sam?" I push him.

Max bit his lip in defeat, looking up at me. "Strong women always get to me," he licked his kips and I got because he finally gonma tell me.

"So? Tell me?"

"Her name was Samantha Green. She was Denver's fiancée."

My blood pressure dropped. Was?! He was supposed to be married before me?! "You can't stop now. Did she die?" I fold my legs. This is the moment of truth. Max nodded but then shook his head.

"I'll start from the beggining. Sam was 15 and Denver was probably...17--ish around. He met her and fell in love,but he had to woo her hard to get her to marry him. By charms, like you."

"I married him because my parents told me to."

He laughed, "be honest with yourself, Ro. Charms is what made you fall for him, aw, it's too sweet for someone to offer you and umbrella on a rainy day."

My mind drifted to that very portrait day. I was waiting for my mother outside when it started raining. I remember how cold I was, until I didn't feel the rain falling on me anymore, but on an umbrella.

"Wouldn't want you want you catch a cold, miss."

His voice faded away. I was swept away by his charms. I don't have to admit it. I could have easily said no to Denver's proposal, or my parents suggestion. "But on the mean time, they fell in love as usual and got engaged. The difference between you and her is that Sam actually liked Denver's abuse."

I sigh, I knew she had to be a little bit nuts. "For a they were happy, still not married though. Denver suddenly stopped being aggressive toward Sam and she didn't like that. She had an affair multiple times without Denver knowing, until he did."

"What happened?" I didn't know biting my lips like they were taffy or something. "He forgave her, because he was dying for her. The last thing he wanted was to lose her. Yet she went again and again, Denver reported her and Samantha was charged with adultury, which is punishable by death." Max said and stood up.

I followed after him, thinking to myself, that is why Denver married me fast. "So she was executed?" I asked now walking beside him. "Yes, I don't exactly know. Denver and I couldn't make it in time and I don't know what happened." We walked to the guest room where he opened the door for me.

"Are you implying that I speak to much?" I lean against the door. Max nodded, scoffing yes. "Questions can wait. Rest." He said then left.

It's night already, the snow falling from the sky. Wow, I do speak a lot. 

Everything is blurry, like if I had been intoxicated. I noticed someone was on me, gently pushing me backwards until I fell on a bed. It was Maxwell, he hovered over me, his hand traveled up my thighs and hips.

Then our mouth crashed together, in a second it got heated and I felt myself arching on his front side. My hands glued to his hair. I separated from the kiss with a breath.  "What am I doing?!"

He said with a husky voice,  "he doesn't need to know. You can trust me." I moan when his lips devour my neck.  This is stupid! I'm dreaming. This can't be real. Suddenly his kiss becomes thicker, I get a metallic taste and push him back. 


He grips on my throat.  "What's wrong Ro? Weren't you having fun?" Drops of blood fell from his face into my eye that made it twitch. I realized he's bathed in blood.  "Get off me! Where's Ma-" I let my head fall to the side to see Maxwell's body next to me. Face slashed and deep wound to the cheek.

His dead eyes locked on me.  I gasped.

"It's my fault for letting you go. He didn't have to suffer for your mistake. But him on top of uncalled for."

"No Den--Denver. Nothin happened." I try to say but I'm running out of breath. He lets go and as I gasp for air, he lifts a giant hunting knife over his head.  "I'll find you," he plunges it into my chest and I scream.

I sit up, panting and clitching my chest. I check for anyone near me but I'm alone in this huge room. And it's still night. I sprint off to to Maxwell's room in pure darkness. Knocking was not in my brain as I broke in to his room.

"Max, Max, Max." I shake him awake. It takes him a few seconds for his eyes widen,  "God damn, Den.." annoyance filled up his tone while I just raised my eyebrow.  "Den? You two slept in the same bed?"

Maxwell took one look at me and sighed, clapping his hand over his forehead. He looked so cute in his pjs.  "Men can have sleepovers. Wait, we weren't.."

"I just got here. I..uuhh, I dreamt about.." I shut my mouth before spitting out that I dreamed about getting hot and heavy with him.  "Umm Denver's gonna find me. I feel like he's already searching." I look out the window to look at the otherwise frozen outside.

Maxwell sighs again.  "You'll be fine, Roselle, really. No harm will come you, gawk." I smiled pity for his yawn. I'm not even acknowledging that we're in the same bed.  "I'm sorry for keeping you awake, I'll go. But I do wanna hear more about this men sleepover." I slip off the bed but his strong hand grips me.

Oh god.

"Whatever you dreamt about, it's ok. I really do promise no harm will come to you as long as you're with me."

"Ok," I whisper, not wanting to spend another minute there because I know I will regret it.

He's half asleep and I'm guessing he kinda sleep talking. Denver would have cardiac arrest if he saw this.

While I drank my tea, Maxwell stole glances at me. Is he thinking about us a few hours ago? I know I am.  "Can I ask one more question aboutthis whole thing?" I say to him.

"Ask away," he responded.  "What did Samantha look like?"

Max smiled,  "straight brown hair, green shiny eyes, baige skin--" I interrupt him,  "how old was she when this happened?" I wanted to hear every detail. Something wasn't adding up.  "Roselle, I don't...15. Denver was 17."

I gasp. Samantha had green eyes, specificly shiny. It was a while ago...and Max said they didn't arrive in time for her execution. 

"Oh my god! Maxwell, she's alive."


"Samantha Green is alive. She's my history teacher, she completely changed her identity." I rush to my room to put on proper clothes, Max stepped behind me.  "You're kidding." He says.

Slipping on my warmest clothing while he watch, I was debating on what to do.  "What is her name?"

"Honestly out of all names. She goes by Samara Kint now, similar word play, yes."

"Samara. Kint. Wow, wait what are we gonna do?"

"I need to talk to her. It all makes sense now."

As we got off our carriage in plain snow in front of the school, people shoveled the white powder out the way.  "I don't know, Roselle. Maybe we shouldn't do this, it'd be awkward to meet again. I mean she is hiding from Denver which makes her hide from me too." Maxwell losened his tie a little.

I shake my head,  "I just want to know her sude if the story. That's all." We go inside the school and ignore the stares from the children.

Then the moment of truth, Samantha was teaching a class 30 students. Among them was Finley. My heart is racing.

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