Pt. 7

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"Mum, dad. It's me, Roselle." I put my ear on the door and smiled when I heard steps from the other side.

"Roselle! Sweety." I was attacked by a group hug. I feel safe now. "Can we go inside, it's getting dark." I look around before we went i side the house. Feels different being here.

My parents stared at me as I walked around, I haven't been gone that long yet it feels like an eternity. "Awe, Susan." I pick up my favorite doll made our of dried corn. "Still ugly as always, but I love it." I say while I put it back in it's spot and made my way to the sofa.

My parents took a seat on the other chairs across from me. "You look beautiful, Roselle. Look at you, not my little girl anymore. You're all grown up." My dad looked away to hide his watery eyes. "Daaad, don't cry. I'm grown when I turn 18, and I'll always be your little girl."

I give him a quick hug. Mum looks around like if someone is missing. "Would you like anything to drink or eat?" Dad said, "one of your amazing dumplings if you don't mind." I said and he laughed because he knows I like it when he makes it. "Why isn't Denver with you, honey?"

"He's running errands and checking up on his parents business." I sigh and lean back. "I heard about his parents, we're sorry. How's he holding up?" Mum crossed her legs.

"He was shook at first but he's doing great now. He's so kind and caring. I'm really happy."

Mum suddenly shoots me a concerned look. Dad then comes back with my dumplings, holding the same expression. "He hasn't done you wrong, right?" He asked. My eyes dart to the wall in my confused feel. "Umm no, we're really happy. Why would you ask that?" I pause.

Both of them lean in and check if anyone else is listening. "If he does anything physically wrong to you, you have to tell us. You know that, Roselle?"

"I know, but why are you asking me this? You're scaring me."

We just heard stories about that family. We're just looking out for you. If you're happy and nothing is wrong, we're happy." Mum closes this conversation with a sip of tea. Now I'm really worried.

We scream after a loud thud emerged from the kitchen. I turn my back to mum and dad to see over the counter. "This house is falling apart. Remind me to work overtime." Dad said to mum.

I immediately reach in my bag and pull out a check, "do you have a pen I could borrow?"

"Roselle, you're not lending us money."

"I wasn't asking," I eventually find one then began filling it up. "Roselle!" Dad puts his hand in front of the check so I couldn't write. "Dad, please. I can't stand living in a mansion while you guys worry about sleeping on a broken floor."

Pushing his hand away, the pen hovered over amount. I think. Then I completed it by signing my name.

They gasp when they see the amount.

"There's no way you're giving us half a million dollars. What would Denver say?"

I shake my head, "please, that's pocket money for him. Mum, Denver owns a business now. It doesn't matter."

They both hug me, "why are you so generous?" I hug back quick. "Because I've always wanted to aid people in need. Now I can."

The door knocks and we pull away. Who visits us at this time? It's probably Finley who saw walking me down the road. My dad answers it and to our suprise Denver was standing on the porch.

"Hi! Um, what a surprise to see you here." Dad says. Right he is. Denver never steps foot in this part of town, not for anyone at least.

"Evening. Can I come in?"

"Sure," my dad replied and made way. Mum forced a smile on her face as my husband entered the house, looking around the place that isn't much for his taste. "Hello, love. What are you doing here?" I scoot over so he could sit.

He kisses my forehead before taking off his top hat. "A city peasant girl was selling an umbrella down the road. There's only one girl with a custom suit dress that matches." He whispered but it was loud enough for all ears in the room to hear.

I swallowed. Then his eyes darted to my mum's hand where the check lies. "That's generous of you. You need it." He leaned foward, reaching inside his top hat and spinned a thick golden coin between his fingers. Stretching out his arm to mum and dad while they sat there confused.

"Take it."

"What is it?"

"A stater. Oldest coin in the world, you can keep it," he spins it again. "Or you can sell it. It's worth ten million euros, you'd be set for life." Finally he stops spinning it and waits for one of them to grab it. My dad grabs it and looks at both sides of the coin. "Can we go home, love?"

"Yes. Goodnight mum, goodnight dad."

"Sleep well. And uh, on friday we're having a little gadering at our place for our closest friends. Please come by." Denver said as he shook my dad's hand. I smiled then waved once more.

Suprisingly, the wagon ride was silent. Or it was me asking Denver about his day and he would respond with a nod or shake. But It's a relief that our fingers are intertwined.

Walking in the mansion and in the middle of the stairs, he stops me. "How much money did you give them?"

"Why does-" he interrupts me and adds, "including the people on the street."

"Where you watching me?" I asked, a little bit hurt. He lifted up his chin, which made him 2 feet taller. "I watch you more than that rat Ivy can ever watch me."

"So you know she watches you! Why let her serve you?"

"My point exactly. Now answer my question, Roselle." Denver's tone of voice grew deeper, almost like the transformation of a monster. I swallow and say, "Thousand euros, plus half a million, and the coin you gave them. It sums it up to more depending on how much they sell the coin." I look staright at his eye.

He slaps his forehead and drags his his hands down his face. "I want to help people in need. I couldn't do that know, I wasn't as rich as some people." I emphasize people and give him the hint.

"If we help them, they'll walk all over us. I'm not a charity, and I'm no bank to you."

"I'm not listening to you. Who are you? Where's my husband?" I saif then go up the last stairs, I heard the steps behind me. Denver stops me again and holds me by the shoulder.

This isn't going well. He would never touch me like he's doing now. "You have no idea who your talking with, little lady. You don't know what I've been through." I laugh and shove him off, "what you've been through? The little rich boy who can have anything he wants. I didn't have anything to sleep on, so don't tell me about going through."

I push past him, "I'm helping whether you join me or not."

"Oh no you're not.."

"Fine, we're getting a divorce. I'm leaving if you can't support me while all I do is worship you."

I stop when I think twice about what i said. It was too far. I don't want to leave Denver, I love him, but I think I hit a nerve. I heard a loud gasp behind me prior fast steps.

Turning around, I received a hand to my face. My body collides with a flower table on my way down to the floor. Denver then steps over me and grabs my wrist then drags me along the rug, burning my skin.

"What on earth--hey! Stop, Denver! Unhand me." I go to my knees but then flayed my legs and punch his sides, unable to let go of his grip. "You're not leaving today, or tomorrow, nor ever." He growled as we got to our door.

"Help, Mara!" I screamed but he covered my mouth then slammed me against the wall once. That was it. I passed out.

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