Pt. 3

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What's going to happen now? Poison. Denver's parents ingested rat poisoned found in their food and drinks. All their maids and butlers were fired, arrested, and It pains me to hear that some were executed. I feel bad for Denver.

He never came to bed, never had dinner with me. It's just me by myself at the table surrounded by maids. "Mara, can you keep this warm for me?"

"Of course, Roselle." She bowed. I gathered Denver's plate then went to find him. Out of all places he could be, I knew he was on the roof. I peak over the skydoor and caught a glimpse of him watching the sunset.

I stay quiet. Denver's cheeks are rised, he's smiling? His shoulders are bouncing up and own, I don't have a clue if he's remembering a joke.

"My love," I say and made him tense before turning to me. "Don't scare me like that..."

"Sorry," I show him the plate. "What is tickling your feet, sir?"

"Your smile." He takes the plate from me and puts it on top of the chimney. He circles his thumb around the edge of my mouth, making smile wider. "You look so adorable! Stop smiling."

"Then you stop." I wrap my arms around his chest and stay that way, giving him no choice but to take me. "Are you upset about your parents?"

He nodded against my neck. "I'm sorry, Denver. Eat something, I know you're starving and camping up here isn't going to help. You should have kept that to yourself."

"Silly me, huh?" His lips devour my neck, I could feel his teeth brushed my skin too, It gave me chills. My normal intentions are to pull back, but I did the complete opposite and pulled him closer. My hands found his hair and sort of played with it.

That warm feeling is going up at a phenomenal rate and it's making me breathe so hard. Denver's mouth never left my throat as he slowly kissed down.

His arms got me trapped, I'm very sure it looks like Dracula feeding on a prey. "Denver, no..." I lean my head back but he caught it and pressed our forehads together. I didn't want him to stop and he knew that, we kissed again. It was a soft kiss, very similar to our first but I know he is holding back.

I pull away and head back down the skydoor. "I need to go out. I'll be right back."

"But I'll be at the bank later." He shouted back as I was skipping out. On the wagon I could see him was still on the roof watching me leave.

I knocked on my friend's door continuously until the caretakers opened up. "My my, Roselle what a pleasure to see you up here."

"Hello Mr. And Mrs Connelly. Is Finley here?"

"She's sleeping, do you want to-"

"Yes," I took off to Finley's room and jumped on her bed, shaking her awake. "Finley, Finley, I need you to get up." She groans then gives me a bad stare but I'm so used to disturbing her sleep. She hates it when I do that.

After I made a little warm hole using her blankets she finally payed attention to me. "What brings you to my broken down house, and what is that?!" She makes me turn my head and touches my throat. "Were you attacked by a werewolf? Why does your neck look like you broke all blood vesels?"

I touch where she had her hand, "I wasn't attacked by anything. Just Denver and his kissing." I checked myself on her corner mirror and nearly chirped. I have bite marks all over my throat region. Blood rushed to my face. "You mean your husband did that? Girl, doesn't that hurt?" She rubbed it as I shook my head.

"I swear he was kissing me, which is why I came to have this super important conversation with you." I thought it is so hot in this room or is it me? Finley crossed her legs and nodded her chin. I'll make brief as possible because I have to get back to my husband.

I explained to her about the death of Denver's parents, and how he's upset etc. Then came the good part where I need her advice.

"So we hugged for a moment, then he started kissing me, resulting to this massive hickey. Then then...I felt that thing I told you about."

Finley shakes her head in a joking manner because I've told her a million times about this hot sensation. I keep telling her that I know what's going on but she knows about our marriage rules.

"It's easy, Roselle, it's time let go of the rules and have your first time. Legal or not. You two are married and it's inevitable. If you're aftaid--"

"I'm not afraid of doing it, I'm afraid of it hurting."

This converstaion is oficially the weirdest and most personal I've ever had with Finley. It has her blushing madly. I trust her that much. "If you're worried about it hurting, don't. You'll be too much in the moment to think about it." She slides off the bed, opening a drawer.

I frowned. Whispering, "you sound like you have experience, Finley Connelly." I smirked and she said no. "I do not! But you try new things on yourself to make sure what works and what doesn't."

There's no way!

Denver is at the bank transferring his parents money to his account which gives me plenty of time. I rushed to our bedroom and locked the door behind me.

Jumping on the bed, I lifted my evening gown, of course my undergarments are long gone. My hand reaches down to where no man or even my digits have ever been.

"This is ridiculous! I can't touch myself." I accidently shout and thankfully nobody heard it.

It gives you a feel of what might happen, plus it's good on him as well.

Even Finley talks to me through my thoughts. My parents always told masturbation is a sin because of it's desire it gives you.

I'm pushing that aside and think about what I would want Denver to do.

Our lips connecting. Him keeping his hands where he wants. And just the thought of him going all in.

I can hear my own heartbeat and breathing accelerating. Gently, one finger pushed in inside me. I hissed.

"Ouch," I insert another one after 40 seconds and then, OH GOSH. I was riding a shooting star. It feels that good.

Pushing in and out while Denver washed my thoughts with his way, I silently moaned. I pulled out and graced my bundle of nerves that absolutly made me yelp in pleasure.

I must have climaxed in less than a minute, I fell right to sleep.

Hours passed and I shot awake at the sound of the double doors closing. "Denver!" I exclaimed, thank god my gown was down. "Why are you sleeping so early, it's 4 in the afternoon." He scratched his head as he walked to my side of the bed and rested his hand my leg.

"It was a quick nap, I uh--had a headache. The bank! Let me see." I was quick to change the subject.

Careful not to lift up my gown and show him I'm naked from the waist down, I shift position and read what is molded on the letter.

Bank of Britain
Lavoís family wealth: 2 billion
Heir: Denver Lavoís
Current wealth: 400 million

*Transfer confirmed

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