Pt. 8

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I gasp awake. Rapidly going to caress my rug-burnt knees. I'm wearing mini flowy evening gown, no sign of my suddenly agressive husband. Sneaking out of the room, nearly tumbling down, I held on to the wooden railing of the stairs.

Going down one step at time like a child learning to walk. My brain didn't work properly on the last step and I went to far and backstrocked my arms to not fall.


Denver holds my hand and keeps me from falling. "And where are you going?" He says, raising his hand to hit me but I blocked it. "Clearly I was going to leave. But I'm guessing I can't because I have been caught."

Without knowing, he brings up his other hand the smacked me across the face. Nearly-just-nearly knocking me out.

"Don't ever do that again. I don't want to hit that pretty little face of yours." His fingers glide through my hair and slick it back. "Just because you're a girl it doesn't mean I won't hit harder next time."

"I didn't know you were the type of guy who would promote equality," I spat.

He stares at me.

"Why are you doing this? What happened to the happy us?" I walk closer to him and put my hands on his chest.

"Blame yourself. You made me do this when you said you were going to leave me." He cornered me until my back was against the railing, anger flushing his cheeks making them grow red. "A man never hits a woman. I would never raise my hand to you, and you did. I can't stay here knowing my husband won't hesitate to harm me." I nearly squeaked.

"If you do as I say, we can pretend this never happened." He picks me up bridal style and carries me back to the bed. "Never," I mumbled. "You just lost my trust."

Denver shrugged. It didn't phase him. He lifted up my dress over my knees then opened a lotion he got out of a drawer.

I hissed when he gently applies it around the swollen knee. "I'm sorry," he says without looking up. Me being in pain is amusing to him. Now I'm thinking I needed to ask those maids a couple of questions.

"My parents were right about you. They warned me."

"You should have listened. They gave you to me, You're lawfully mine. Which means I can do whatever I want and no one can do a dang thing about it."

He jabs his finger down where it's mostly burnt, "right?"

"Ow! Stop, it hurts!" I whined. That devilish grin he gave me, honestly warmed me up with rage. "I'm going to practice Fencing. You'll be alright on your own?" Denver asked as he fixed his cravat. Now's the time to act.
"Can I join you?"

He flips his sword on his hand, laughing, "no you will not. When you heal then we can practice together. Remember you have the bell." His lips landed on my temple as a goodbye kiss then he dosed off.

I look out the window that gives me full view of the garden as he walked out. Behind him is no other than the snitch, Ivy. I appreciate Denver's loyalty to me, because he does not pay any attention to her.

She tries to get him to look at her but all she gets is a command to move back or to hold something.

I need answers. Jumping back on the bed, I reach for the bell and rang it rang it like I'm in danger. A few seconds later, Mara reported to the room. "Yes, ma'am?" She said. I motion her to come closer.

"I need you to get me out of here Mara, quietly. My poor body can't handle more of this." I didn't know I was tugging on her black and white cloak. "Please Mara. Help me get out, I can't do this, he's abusive." I nearly sobbed.

Her lips quivered when she heard the word abusive. I got a feeling she knows something I don't. But she could the key to my freedom. "Not again...I'm so sorry Roselle, I can't help you. You can do what he says, maybe he'll stop."

"No no no, he won't stop. He doesn't even have remorse for what he does to me. Just help me. Tell me what to do." I'm now starting to command her to do as I say. Pulling her down, begging. Mara pulled my arms away, "I apologize Roselle...I can't."

"No, don't leave please!" I almost yelled.

I need my friend. I rang the bell for Mara again but she never came in, another maid did. I told her to fetch Finley then patiently waited. An hour later she came back. "Finley was not home, ma'am. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No, thank you." I sighed. This is gonna eat me alive.

I woke up at seven in the morning to get ready for school. "Damn," I cuss to myself for no reason. I put on a linen blouse with a bow as I always dress, and a skirt that reaches just below my knees. My hair in a messy low pony tail.

"When you finish those exams I want you to come back. Don't make me look for you." Denver's hoarse morning voice emerged from the bed. Will see about that, husband. "Mm ok." Slipping on my bag, I stop by the door when he tells me to wait. "What?"

"Good luck."

"Thanks," I say back, before rushing out. Jumping over a passing maid, "sorry Jana." She shook her head. At school, I bumped into Finley and pulled her inside a classroom. Luckily there's still time until the tests starts.
"What's wrong, Roselle?" She asks, while putting her books down.

I'm debating whether I should tell her my situations. I don't know what Denver might do if he finds out I told Finley. But I know she wouldn't say anything.

"Fin, I need to tell you some things. Promise me you you will not say a word. Promise me, Finley." I whispered, holding her hands in mine. She nodded and promised. "We gotta leave the UK, go somewhere else. Away from Denver. I'm taking my parents and if you want your caregivers to come, then let's go."

"Why? Roselle, you're scaring me. Why? What's wrong with Denver?" I gotta give it to her, she's really trying not to freak out. "I can't live with Denver, Finley. He's abusive, he hits me, the maids are afraid of him. Not to mention his personal maid is in love with him." I continued further for a few more minutes.

Finley is horrified now. She wants to leave but is afraid to now that I told her my husband would harm us. "He's your husband, Roselle, we can't just leave like this. Denver will find you if we leave."

I shift in my seat, "we don't have a choice. He knows this is my final day of class, If I go back to the mansion, he won't let me out of his sight." Finley sighs, her hands now shaking. I feel bad to put her in this position but she's my best friend, if I leave, who knows what'll happen.

The teacher took too long to get here. I took time away from me to leave, and this test is difficult. I couldn't stop being paranoid, I'm constantly checking for any sign of Denver. Through the window I saw a silhouette of HIM, it rose my blood pressure.

A snap of a finger brings me back to reality.

"Roselle, doing good so far?" The teacher asked, green eyes shining. "Uh, yes. Yes, I'm good." I responded before cheking out the silhouette again, turns out to be a some other well dressed man.

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