Pt. 12

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I watch in disbelief as Denver and Maxwell argued over which color marbles they wanted. This beats having him come home in a terrible mood.

He hasn't laid a finger on me in a way that counts as abuse since the snake scare. Sometimes he gets angry and just kills me with his laser stare. On the other hand, Maxwell and I are forming a plan for me to safely get away. Even Mara is in on it.

Although, I've been spending precious time with him in a personal level, getting to know him. But we're becoming too close. I remind myself that even if I'm in a toxic relationship I'm still a married woman.

"I'll get the damn red one, jesus." Max finally chose the red marbles and gave Denver a look. "You two seriously suck, you know that."

The guys smirked to themselves, "we just like to see your face."

"I hate you," I said as I draw the circle on the pavement.

I set 15 marbles within the circle then stood next to the guys, one of Maxwell's butlers was around is to take scores and watch for any foul play. I learned he's a massive cheater when we played chess an hour ago.
"I shoot first," Denver volunteered but I pull him back by the arm.

"Where are your manners? Ladies first."

"Actually it's nobles first." Max says, elegantly but stupidly shows off his messy satin denim neck tie. "I hope you're kidding, Max." I say pretending to be offended. His face turns red and his eyes widen with embarrassment. "I'm totally kidding!" He shrieked.

I laugh, aware he forgot I'm from a low income background.

"Rock paper scissors for who has to start," Denver puts out his fist. "One time or two out of three?"

"Two out of three," Max says as we all make a fist. We say the words and put our final choice, the guys made rocks and I made paper. I laugh hysterically, "I go first, losers."

I stand back for their turn to brake the tie. They did it again and Denver came out victorious, "I let him win, woman." Max tells me as my husband goofs off.

As planned, I shoot first, knocking two marbles out of the circle. "And we're playing for keeps as well." I said, while picking the marbles I won.

Denver knelt down and aimed his shooter marble to mine, I noticed he has a good chance of winning. I lookat Max and he nodded. He went behind Denver and smacked his butt hard and the marble flew off to wall and back to us but we took cover.

Maxwell laughed and I chuckled by my husband's blood red face. "He groaned ahhaha."

"Did you like that?" I raised my brow at him and he wacked Maxwell's head. "You bastard, I lost my shot because of you. I was gonna win, asshat." Denver hollered but laughed at the same time.

We played our next turn for a bit and nearly to the end, my turn came back. "Watch me shut this down, boys." I cracked my neck and knelt near the circle. Only both Max and Denver's shooter marbles remained. It could be a win for any of us.

But if I knocked them both, I win.

Right as I'm about to make my shot, a call from a butlerstopped me. "There is a letter for madam Roselle waiting."

I smile at my husband, knowing he'll get it for me. He sighs but followed the butler to the entrance. "Talk to me Wilson," I said.

Maxwell sits down beside me and turns to to see if anyone else is coming. "Right, first things first, how is he keeping his cool so far?" He asked in low tone. "Nothing agressive but let's be real, he's gonna break soon. He's been close to beating my ass." I respond.

"You're right, we gotta work faster. Where do you want to go?"

I raised my head, "I have to send you away when you escape, you have to go far away. If you stay here he'll find you and he succeeds...." By the look of his face I could tell the results weren't beautiful. "Umm well, America? It's far enough."

"Which country?"

"To the United states," I said. He was writing all this on the palm of his hand with ink. "Who are you taking?"
I rub my chin, "mum and dad. And my friend Finley."

I realized he's doing all this, whatwould happen with Denver? When I get on that departing ship there's no going back. "Does this mean I'll never see you again after I leave?" I whipered.

Maxwell looked up from his hand a plastered a soft smile. "I'm sure you won't see of me any time soon, Roselle. We'll see each other again after I manage to make your dissapearence look like a murder. Or after I've calmed Denver down."

My lips form a frown, now that he says calming Denver. I feel bad for doing this behind his back, to think about leaving without a trace. I know he's the most emotionally sensitive man I've ever met, and actually dissapearing out of the blue is just wrong.

Do I really want to do this?

"Problem?" Maxwell said at my sad thinking face. "Will it hurt him? To leave him?" I asked and he was blank like if he didn't know how to answer that. "It's stupid I know--"

"Are you happy?" He simply asked. "Max, I-I no! I don't know what to say. I love Denver, I love him with all my heart, when he's not being abusive, I feel like I'm the luckiest girl to have such a sweet caring person, but I can't sleep at night knowing he likes to hit me and will do it in a flash." I nearly sobbed but held my tears back.

"Roselle," Maxwell grabbed my hand, hovering it over his cheekbone, it felt cracked. "He did that. Because I forgot his birthday." My hand went up his face and inside his silk hair, I felt a small bump. "I told him a simple 'no' to a favor he asked. I didn't remember what he did, but I remember the sound of my head crashing with a rock."

My mouth was wide open with shock. "How could you hide that?" I manage to say while my hand down again to his cheek, him guiding it. "I'm in the same position as you. He threatened to kill me if I broke our friendship."

"Maxwell.." I breathed and yanked my hand away as soon I heard Denver coming back. He didn't look happy.
"What's wrong?" Max asked.

He walked toward me, slowly, handing me the letter. "Roselle, I'm so sorry." He says. I read the letter in panic, I think my blood pressure dropped to zero in less than a second.
I run out to the carriage and hopped in, yelling to the guys to get in or I'll leave without them.

Before the carriage even stopped completely, I leaped out and broke into my parents house. Police department were there. "Mum, dad! Are they okay?"

"Are you Roselle Bernice?"

I could only nod. The officer bowed in despair as he guided me to deceased parents. My hand clapped over my mouth, my tears flooded down my cheeks at the sight of them. All beaten and bloody. "Daddy...mum." I dropped to the floor next to them, my shoulders bouncing.

I was gone for a day and conveniently my parents die. I couldn't form words, I was crying too much. A hand brushes my back up and down, then I was forced on my feet. "Let go of me!"

"Shshh, Roselle I'm sorry." It was Denver. He trapped me in his chest while I hit him and sobbed until I eventually gave up to his embrace. Over his shoulder, Maxwell stood there with a furious mixed grief expression.

What am I going to do now?

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