Pt. 25

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"You look very pale, I think you should see a doc--"

Vomit rises up my throat and I puked up on his sleeve for the third time this morning. "I told you to say away," I gag a bit more but nothing comes out. He takes off his thrown up jacket, tossing it aside and stays on his waistcoat. As my hair was tied in a low pony tail, he says.

"In sickness and in health, I will take care of you."

I take in a slow agonizing breath. It think I've vomited last night's dinner. "I will go see a doctor today, I forgot about my usual check up." I say as I change from my night gown to causal wear. Denver hugs me from behind, "Do you not want me to go with you?" He whispers.

"I can go by myself. You sir, have day of rotations."

"The banks won't crash if I miss one day," he argues. If I didn't know him enough. "Excuses. I'll be fine by myself, I will take Finley with me." I twirl infront of the mirror, "alright, Roselle. You got me. I will see you soon." He places a kiss on my cheek from behind, then the door closes.

I look at my reflection, I don't know but, my belly has changed a little. Bloated as if I ate so much. I haven't gotten my menstrual cycle, I'm over two weeks late. Denver has been non-stop asking if I have cravings, but I'm not letting him that easy.

Although I suddenly yelled at him for chewing to loud when he says he is chewing normally. This is not good.

"But are you having cravings?"

"Yes! I wasn't going to tell him though." I say, tearing a banana peel off. "You don't even like banana, Roselle. Ooooo, what are we gonna do? When was the last time you and Denver....did the horizontal mambo?"

I look at Finley, is she dead serious right now? "Really?" She raises her brow in annoyance. "Ok! 2 days ago...but we'd been doing it for a while."

Finley palms her forehead, "there isn't that much guessing, Roselle."

I shake my head quick, "no! I can't be pregnant. The doctor will check me out." I look out to the street, seeing the hospital is near and right ahead. I know I am expecting. I only need the doctor's confirmation.

"May I help you, madam?" The register nurse asks politely. I rest my elbows on the desk, and lean in, "I would like to know if I'm pregnant, please." Finley looked around. There's a lot of people I know here, I can't say anything risky. "Alright, what is your name?"

"Roselle Lavoís." My eyes dart to the hardboard where she is writing. "Married?" She asks, looking at me. I nod, "husband's name?"

"Is he going to know about this?" The panic in my voice shocked her but she quickly covers it up. "Your appointment will be confidential, madam. But I must know his name for following check ups." She states while smiling kindly.

I sigh, "Denver Lavoís." The nurse's mouth drops open, writing it, then breaks it down. "There are multiple ways to confirm a pregnancy, a urine sample is the easiest way and it's one hundred percent accurate."

"I'll do that, please." I sign some papers. While I waited for the results, I squeezed Finley's hand for dear life. I can't be, I don't want to be. I'm not ready. "I'm so scared," I tell her.

She sighs, turning her head. "There's no need to, Roselle. Look, even if you are pregnant, I will be there to help you, Denver will obviously help. Even Maxwell."

My eyes water. Maxwell. It scares me more how he will react, he will support it, or he will not. I don't care, if a baby is growing inside me, I will love him or her with every bit of my heart. "Madam, Roselle." The nurse comes back in, smiling wide.

"Congratulations on your way to become a mother."

I start to cry immediately, I knew it. But hearing it from someone else opened my eyes. "Roselle, I'm so happy for you! You will be great." Finley latches on to my side, I still haven't stopped sobbing. "Remember we'll be here for you always, remember that." She says in my ear.

I return to the mansion, silently making my way upstairs to our bedroom. Denver is probably still doing rotations. I sit on the edge of the bed, taking off my flats then I heard a splash.

In the tub is Denver, eyes closed and his fingers floating above the water. Though I could only see his head and half of his neck.

I walk over, now close enough to see the bubble bath he is in. This is my shot, I breathe in and fake a loud sneeze. The jump he made, had half of the water spill out to my feet. "Roselle, why would you do that?!" He shouts, eyes wide.

"I didn't mean to, I had to. I apologize." I kiss his wet hair. "Where you really sleeping in a bath?"

"I was relaxing. Rotations were way off today," he explains, looking at the bubbles all over. "Which explains why you're home early."

He gave me a crazy look, "It's five in the afternoon, love. Lost track of time at that appointment--speaking of, tell me." His hand sticks out of the water and clasps on mine. I stand up slowly, stripping off my dress until I was naked.


"Relax, I'm just going in." I put my leg in first to test the temperature before I relax and scrub near him. Lying agaisnt his chest, I feel him wrap his arm around my waist under the water. He kisses my face as I look up, instantly connecting with his mouth.

"Den, I'm scared." I say after pulling away. "Why?" He clamps my cheek. I don't know how to say this. "Be-because, I.." I think of some way to say it.

I grab his hand from my cheek and move it underwater, to my belly, all while holding eye contact. "You are.."

I only nod, lowering my head not knowing how to react to his reaction. "Roselle," he says and holds my face in his hands. To my surprise, his lips claimed mines softly, Ok? Good reaction so far. "Why would that scare you?"

"Because I've never done this, I don't know what to expect--"

"That is exactly the point." He tells me. I stare at him waiting for another explanation. "We don't know what the future holds, but I promise you I'll always be at your side every step of the way. Okay?"

I nod slowly, then I couldn't resist the urge to wrap my arms around him. I sit in his lap, mushing my face against his. This is everything.

After we got out, he couldn't stop looking at me. I smiled in confusion. "What?" He came to me and put his thumb and index finger together, the tips nearly touching. "It's this big," he says. It made me look down, I have a small rice implanted in me.

I only laughed because of his sudden knowledge about early pregnancy.

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