Part 6 - Tomatoes?

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From @Hyksos2001 - Classic, what's your opinion on tomatoes?

"Uh... tomatoes? Well, I don't mind them... but I prefer them in ketchup form." Classic smiled.

Ink sighed, working on a sketch, "Classic is all about the condiment. Not the fruit."

Fell stepped over, "Mustard is better than ketchup."

"Do you want to fight?" Classic growled, his eye flickering blue and yellow.

"No. But if you want to, I will!" Fell smirked.

Blue stepped in, and went in between the two, "Can you two stop arguing?! Neither is better than the other! Besides, we all know my tacos are the best! MWEHEHEHE!!"

Raven sighed, looking to the evil Sanses in the corner, "Aren't you guys gonna be a part of this?"

"Maybe... if someone asks us something..." Dust uttered.

Trainer looked over, "I'm also available, remember? Articuno no! Don't freeze the house!"

Hatchet growled, "Keep that bird under control! Or I might just gut it and turn it into the next meal!"

"IT ISN'T WORTH IT, HATCHET... JUST LET IT GO..." Raspberry muttered.

Luna looked to the camera, "You see what we have to deal with here? Anyway, don't forget to ask us questions in the comments! Later!"

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