Part 53 - The Confession... Oh Boy...

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Raven tilted his head in concentration, "Horror, any 3s?"

"Nope. Go fish." Horror smiled.

"Hm? Sunset Cliff? Oh, where we met? Yeah. I'll be there. Uh, that's new though. Usually she doesn't want to meet up anywhere."

Raven smiled, and flew to Sunset Cliff in his AU, seeing me there on the cliff. I was blushing a bit, thinking on how to tell him.

He smiled, "Hey there... heard you wanted to meet me here..."

I blushed harder, not looking at him. "I wanted to ask if we could go for a fly...? We haven't gotten a chance in a while..."

He smiled, "Sure. Spread your wings. We are going for a fly."

Yes, I have hidden wings. I never spoke about why, but they are only from my fire magic. They actually are Phoenix wings.

I took a deep breath, and spread my wings. Raven looked in awe, before he smirked.

"Your wings are always gorgeous, ya know."

I blushed harder, and Raven began flying. I shook my head, and smiled. I flew with practiced grace. I soon forgot about why I was there. Until we landed.

I remembered. I was here to confess. We sat down, and I looked at the sunset. I looked at Raven, and his eye sockets were closed. I blushed.



"Uh... I... Um... I l-like you... as in... like like you...?" I squeaked out. Raven's eye sockets widened in shock. I sighed, "I understand if you don't... share the same feelings..."

He smiled at me, "I love you too, ya know... I thought I would have to make the first move..."

I smiled at him, and he smiled back. Smirking slightly, I tapped his arm and flew off, laughing. Raven smirked back, and flew after me. I was way faster than him though.


I couldn't shake a feeling of uneasiness...

Like something was going to happen...

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