Part 54 - ..............

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Hyksos2001 - What's bothering you, Milly?

I landed on the cliff, hidden from Raven's view. I sighed when he flew past.

"I can't explain it... it's just... a nagging feeling that... I can't shake... my gut is telling me something's wrong... I will ignore it for now, but-"

"Guess who's still around~..."

I shuddered at the chilling voice, "Ch-Chara?! What the hell-?! You were-!"

"Banished? No. I'm still here~... our souls are merged, meaning no matter how hard you try... YOU W O N ' T GET RID OF ME!!"

I shook my head, flying out and catching up with Raven. He tagged me, and I smiled. The classic fake smile. We played tag for about... I would say 10 minutes... before I began to get really dizzy.

"Sorry! Wouldn't want you to fall and hurt yourself, now would you?!" Chara laughed.

I shook my head, trying to clear my vision. It didn't work. I quickly tried to land, but I was disoriented and didn't know which way was up!

Raven managed to catch me, and that was when I blacked out...

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