Part 56 - Seriously?!

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Hyksos2001 - It wasn't Milly's decision. Chara just came to her and tried everything to make her reset. But Milly always refused.

Raven smiled slightly, "I knew she was strong... I had a feeling she didn't want Chara in her soul..."

With Chara:

"Are you insane? I never tried to make her reset yet. I tried once. She didn't know she had the ability yo reset until that day Nightmare and Dream were eavesdropping. I never anticipated them listening in, but hey, not my fault..." Chara shrugged.

"Before I could begin speaking with her, I had to gain energy. Transferring vessels is a lot of work, ya know! So, I only began talking to her recently. Her mood has improved since she was last here before the hiatus. And that's when I struck and got into her soul, merging us. I gained energy, and now am able to talk with her."

She smirked, "And putting me here, as you already knoe, can't  stop me from getting to her. It won't stop me. Our souls are merged, and she can't escape me. She will reset. One of the AUs, she will reset. I will get the reset to happen..."

"One way or another, IT  W I L L  HAPPEN!!"

Back with Raven:

"Should I be scared for her?... because I am... She most likely has been tortured for a while... I can't believe I didn't know..." Raven sighed.

"Sure, it may not have been her decision to get Chara in her soul, but... She should've told us about something being wrong..." The bird-skele was concerned. And for good reason.


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry, Raven... I should've spoken up..."

Raven's eye sockets widened. "Telepathy...? Milly, you have telepathy?"

"... should've told you that too, huh?...... I'm sorry...."

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