Part 37 - Dancing, huh?

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From Rainbowcat936's OC, Rose - Dream and Nightmare, I dare you both to dance with me to this song!

The song above is the song they dance to.

"Rose, you sure you want to? I mean, not many can keep up with us..." Nightmare smirked, holding out his hand.

Dream shied away, "Honestly, Nightmare, we shouldn't! I'm not keen on the idea."

"Dream, she won't be able to keep up. Trust me. Or are you chicken?"

"Do you even know any dances for this song?"

"Nope. Just gonna wing it!"

"Are you serious...? Alright, know what? Fine! But you both need to keep up with me!"

And the dance begun.

TEM skip since I'm bad at describing dancing:

After the dance, Dream had been the last one standing. I walked over, and smiled warmly, "Hey guys! Dance contest?"

"Yeah... kind of..." Dream uttered, not panting at all.

Nightmare on the other hand, was on his knees. Rose had enough energy to keep going, but... didn't.

"Whatever..." Nightmare growled.

"Sore loser, brother?" Dream smirked.

"Guys... please, no fighting." I groaned.

Dream and Nightmare nodded. And now, more questions! Dares are on hold for a while.

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