Part 51 - €££&£... Loading..... A Flower Given

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I looked at Ink, and he was not mad like I thought he would be.

"Thanks, guys... Milly, I'm so proud of you..." Ink smiled.

I shook my head in pure confusion. "Wait, what? Why be proud of me?"

"You didn't make a deal with Chara. That's commendable. You could be easily reset the whole multiverse. But, thankfully, you didn't. I also heard Chara is gone now. So you're safe."

I smiled back, "Ink... I don't really deserve this but... thank you... not just to you, but to everyone out there too..."

"You did scare us there though."

Dream smirked at me, and I shrunk back. "I sense strong feelings of romance... I don't know who though... Come on, spill it..."

I blushed, and backed away. I really didn't want to say it, but he wasn't here, right?

"Uh... okay... but only if the commenters want me to say it! If you want me to, dare me and I won't back down!" I smirked, rising to my feet. Only to fall.

Blue managed to teleport away and Dream caught me. The three looked at me.

"I... Um... Sorry guys... guess that breakdown was... harder on my body than I thought..." I smiled apprehensively.

Dream set me down, and Ink walked with him to Snowdin. Probably to fix the damage done. Blue smiled at me.

"UH... MILLY?" He asked.

"Yes, Blue?"


I did so, and Blue put something in my hair. I smiled warmly, and opened my eyes. He smiled excitedly, his eyes turning into stars.


I turned to my reflection, and smiled wider. It was a flower. It was coloured orange, and faded to a hot pink on the edges of the petals. It reminded me of the sunset or sunrise.

I turned back to Blue, and hugged him gently. "Thank you, Blueberry... it's lovely..."

He hugged back, and we let go just before Ink and Dream came over. They saw me, and smiled.

"Blue gave you the flower?" Ink asked.

I nodded, and Blue smiled at me. Dream smiled, "True friendship. Now, about the romantic feelings..."

"Remember, Dream, only if the audience is okay with me sharing..." I glared slightly. I kept down the power of the flames though.

"Alright, alright..." Dream smiled. He walked off, but only away so he was out of earshot. "Guys, dare her... please... I want to hear who she has a crush on..."

And Dream walked back. Oh boy this was going to be hard. I wanted to say, but I was worried the audience wouldn't like it. So, it's up to you.

Should I say who I like out of the Sanses?

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