A/N: Hi Guys!

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Classic: Hey everyone! We are back!

Fell: The hiatus is over, and we are back on the big screen!

Geno: So ask us anything!

Blue: Remember, humans, asking us about our reactions to ships or music is allowed!

Me: As long as it includes nothing over PG. Well, the ships at least. Some songs I will take note of. And I will give reactions, but... know that they might not be 100% on their personalities...

Luna: Yeah. We try our best, but even we can't get every detail perfect.

Trainer: Now, you can ask us about reacting to fanfics, but only if they're NOT lemons! No citrus rating! Nada! Zip! Zilch!

Raven: I need some more spotlight here 😑😑😑😑😑

Reaper: Hey, how do you think I feel?

Me: Many of us need more spotlight. I agree with that.

Horror: Us evil Sanses need some spotlight too.

Dust: Yeah! And Nightmare and Dream are at the tree right now. So, yeah.

Ink: Let us know in these comments below what you want to ask, who you want to ask to, and if you want us to react to something, tell us where to find it.

Me: And, one last thing. TRIOS ARE INCLUDED!!

Luna: Right! The following are the group's for each of the Sanses.

Star Sanses: Dream, Ink, Blue

Evil Sanses: Horror, Dust, Raspberry

Classic Trio: Classic, Blue, Fell

Dream Team (technically a duo): Dream & Nightmare

Art Trio: Ink, Luna, Me

Me: Any other ideas for names, let us know what it is and who is in the group. This was meant to be posted 3 days ago, but for some reason I forgot to upload it... so, oops...?

Ask AU Sanses (Again, Luna and Author-chan included)Where stories live. Discover now