Part 65 - ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY?!?!

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Dust saw the comments. His eye sockets widened in shock.

"I admire your courage, BUT YOU GUYS ARE OUT FOR A DEATH WISH!!"

"It's a suicide mission! Trust me, the monsters left there are not hesitant to kill! Please, guys, don't!"

Raven locked my room, "Got rid of the pocket knife she had for protection. If we hear anything, we need to rush in there."

"True. Now, you and I are on the same page that searching for the crystal is a death wish, right?"

"Yeah! Why?"

"The commenters are going searching for it-"


"They just care-"


"Milly!" Dust exclaimed.

"Oh god. Let's go!" Raven yelled.

What was going on?

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