Part 57 - Um... Uh oh...

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Storyshift Chara...

"Hmm? You want to know how to get rid of the classic version of me? From Milly, right?" She asked. She sighed, and sharpened her knife.

"It's impossible... trust me, our father searched how to get rid of demons attached to a soul, but it's not as easy as an exorcism and boom bing pow you're done... It's like that for just attached to the body, but... when attached to the soul, you can't do it without risking death or at best casualties..."

"Not to mention none of us know how to do that... I don't know, Rei doesn't know, King Sans doesn't know... Papyrus doesn't know... Dad doesn't know, Mum doesn't know... practically everyone knows nothing about that stuff..."

"So, I have no other ideas... unless... well... there might be a way, but I don't think anyone is going to like it... It involves cleansing the soul, but... in doing that, we might unintentionally........... um........"

Storyshift Chara sighed, and sharpened the knife more aggressively.

"It probably won't work anyway... So, the only thing we can hope for is classic me stops what she's doing... but that's unlikely to happen anytime soon, and in that time, Milly could be driven to a point of insanity and reset out of...... anger...... or just burn the world... that'd work too if she was extremely enraged..."

"Moral is, you cant get rid of the classic Chara... not without either killing the host body or cleansing the soul... but doing that would most likely result in........"

"Amnesia for the host..........."

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